[Linganth] CFP: Beyond Gypsy Stereotypes: Voicing Romani Pluralities

Siv B. Lie sbl326 at nyu.edu
Mon Nov 24 21:47:39 UTC 2014

*Call for PapersBeyond Gypsy Stereotypes: Voicing Romani Pluralities*

A symposium at New York University as part of the Opre Khetanes! program
organized by the Initiative for Romani Music in conjunction with the Center
for Traditional Music and Dance and Voice of Roma, April 24-25, 2015.  The
program will also include a dance workshop with Sani Rifati and a concert
of local Romani music.

Proposals for 20-minute papers will be accepted in the fields of
musicology, anthropology, sociology, history, political science, Romani
studies and related disciplines. Papers can be on any subject related to
representations and perceptions of of Romani (Gypsy) people. Through
presentations and informal discussions, the meeting will encourage dialogue
between performers, activists and scholars.

The meeting will address a range of questions, including but not limited to
the following:

    •    What are the roads and obstacles to Romani participation in public
and private institutions?
    •    What particular challenges do Roma in America face concerning
economic opportunities?
    •    What does it mean to be Romani in the 21st century?
    •    What roles does language play in forming Romani identities?
    •    How can the practice of music counteract or perpetuate “Gypsy”
    •    How might Romani speakers, authors and performers attain a greater
voice in the public sphere?
    •    To what extent do Roma have access to, and an active voice in,
secondary and tertiary education?
    •    How and to what ends do Romani artists and service providers
engage in self-essentializing, both within their communities and in public

Please send a 500-word abstract to irm.nyu at gmail.com by January 15,
including your name, affiliation (if any), and the best way to reach you.

For more information, please visit the website of the Initiative for Romani
Music at New York University (www.romanimusic.org), which links directly to
the conference website (
https://sites.google.com/site/beyondromanistereotypes/), as well as the
website of the Center for Traditional Music and Dance (http://www.ctmd.org/

Siv B. Lie
Department of Music
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
New York University
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