[Linganth] The Linguistic Revolution

Matt Adler matthewpadler at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 04:05:04 UTC 2015

Thank you for welcoming me into your community!  I'm not an academic, but I
was a panelist at the AAA conference in Philly in '09.  I speak 8 languages
(English, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Portuguese, Catalan, French, and
Yiddish).  As a language rights activist, I'm a huge proponent of the
important work you're doing.

I wanted to share with you a recent piece I wrote entitled "The Linguistic
Revolution".  My main points are:

   - Multilingualism must be promoted
   - All languages are *equally* beautiful, important, and valuable.
   - Economic justice is necessary for preserving minority languages.
   - Linguistic rights should be portable because they stem from an
   individual's human rights, not from the territory he or she inhabits.

I invite you to take a read here:

I look forward to sparking a conversation and to hearing your thoughts and

In solidarity,

Matt Adler
Washington, D.C.
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