[Linganth] slightly revised AAA program: Friday 8 AM - Materiality and Affect in Global Circulation

Lynnette Arnold lynnettearnold at umail.ucsb.edu
Tue Nov 17 18:31:54 UTC 2015

Hi all -

Ours is another panel whose schedule was listed incorrectly in the AAA

We'll start at 8:15 rather than 8, and all talks will be as listed except
that our discussant, Norma Mendoza-Denton, will present in the last slot at
9:30 (rather than at 8:00 as listed in the program). The corrected program
is below.

Hope to see some of you there!


8:15 AM
Affective Responsibility: Giving and Physical Space in the Marshall Islands
Elise C Berman (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)

8:30 AM
On Affect, Material Culture, and Blogs: Creating New Online Salafist
Movements in the Digital Age
Susanne M Stadlbauer (University of Colorado Boulder)

8:45 AM
*Deep Ilocano and the Phatic Role of the Mother Tongue in Classroom
Interactions* <https://aaa.confex.com/aaa/2015/webprogram/Paper45990.html>
Dana M. Osborne (University of Arizona)

9:00 AM
*Materializing Kinship and Community*
Elizabeth A Falconi (Georgia State University)

9:15 AM
The Cross-Border Negotiation of Material Care: Creating Affective Meaning
from *Riguas* and Remittances
Lynnette Arnold (University of California)

9:30 AM
Norma Mendoza-Denton (University of California)
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