[Linganth] Colleagues, questions on camera equipment for field research

Nathaniel Dumas nadumas at ucsc.edu
Tue Sep 15 21:11:32 UTC 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Hope your semesters/quarters are off to a great start! I'm in the middle of
helping the design thinking firm I work for upgrade their A/V capabilities
for research and I wanted to get recommendations from my fellow linguistic
anthropologists working with video. We're especially interested in
camcorders that are not too intrusive (size-wise) in the field setting, are
able to have a decent image quality (not looking for commercial/high-end
production quality), not too difficult to use (since not all of us on
research teams are as tech savvy), and, of course, are affordable.

Feel free to respond to me offline at nadumas at ucsc.edu. And the more
suggestions the merrier so I can give the leadership more options to pick

Thanks in advance,

Nathaniel Dumas
Research Associate, Department of Anthropology
University of Santa Cruz
nadumas at ucsc.edu
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