[Linganth] Soillse 2016: Small Language Planning, 2nd Call [Deadline: 12/2/2016]

DUNMORE Stuart Stuart.Dunmore at ed.ac.uk
Wed Jan 27 16:15:16 UTC 2016

With apologies for cross-posting.


University of Glasgow, 6th-8th June 2016

Building on the success of previous Soillse conferences and as part of of the Foundation for Endangered Languages' 20th anniversary celebrations, this conference will provide a forum for minority language researchers, policymakers, practitioners and activists to exchange research findings and experiences in order to stimulate fresh perspectives on minority language revitalisation.

Abstracts for paper or poster presentations of no more than 300 words should be submitted to soillseconference2016 at gmail.com before 12th February 2016.

Please see the attachment for further detail.

Is mise le meas,

An Dr Stiùbhart Dunmore / Dr Stuart Dunmore

Rannsaiche Iar-Dhotaireil / Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Ceiltis agus Eòlas na h-Alba / Celtic and Scottish Studies

50 Ceàrnag Sheòrais / 50 George Square

Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann / University of Edinburgh

Dùn Èideann / Edinburgh EH8 9LH

Alba / Scotland

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