[Linganth] Western Conference on Linguistics - Boise State University, October 2017

Chris VanderStouwe cvanderstouwe at umail.ucsb.edu
Fri Feb 24 21:02:44 UTC 2017

(apologies for cross posting)

On behalf of the Linguistics faculty at Boise State University, I would 
like to invite you to consider submissions to our upcoming Western 
Conference on Linguistics - details below.


Dr. Chris VanderStouwe

Boise State University

The Boise State University linguistics program will be hosting the 
Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) on October 20-22, 2017 in 
Boise, Idaho. Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks (with 10 minutes 
for discussion) or poster presentations on any aspect of theoretical, 
experimental, documentary, applied, or computational linguistics. 
Abstracts addressing issues related to displacement and language are 
especially welcome. *Abstracts are due April 15, 2017.*

*Invited Speakers:*

Martha Bigelow (University of Minnesota)

Christine Sims (University of New Mexico and Linguistics Institute for 
Native Americans)

In addition to the general conference sessions, we will be hosting two 
special sessions during this year’s conference:

*Special Session 1: Language and Displacement*

Displacement, or forced migration, can manifest in myriad ways including 
the removal of peoples from their homelands, exile, and refugee 
resettlement, and has been shown to have traumatic effects not only on 
the people who are physically displaced but also on their offspring. 
More broadly, generational, social, ecological, and cultural 
displacement can also impact identity and community. The effects of 
displacement on language may be devastating. We are seeking abstracts 
addressing issues of language and displacement as can be seen through 
studies of:

- language and identity

- language documentation and revitalization

- ethnographic accounts

- community and civic engagement

- language education

*Special Session 2: Undergraduate Research*

We would like to extend a special invitation to undergraduate students 
interested in submitting abstracts for paper or poster presentations in 
any sub-field of linguistics. We will be hosting a professional 
development pre-conference workshop as well as several social activities 
for undergraduate attendees during.

*_Abstract submission instructions:_*

Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per 
author. All abstracts should be in English, and submitted in PDF format 
via Easy Chair at: tinyurl.com/wecol2017abstracts 
<http://tinyurl.com/wecol2017abstracts> (free account required). 
Abstracts should be limited to one page (using 1-inch margins on all 
sides and 11pt font size) with an optional additional page containing 
examples and references. Non-standard fonts and software should be 
avoided and all fonts should be embedded in the PDF document. The papers 
presented at WECOL 2017 will be eligible for publication in the official 
proceedings of the conference.

*Abstracts are due on April 15, 2017 *and notifications will be sent out 
by June 30, 2017. Please visit our page at 
https://english.boisestate.edu/wecol2017 or email us at 
wecol at boisestate.edu <mailto:wecol at boisestate.edu> if you have any 
questions. We look forward to seeing you in Boise!

Dr. Chris VanderStouwe

Lecturer in Linguistics, Department of English
Advisory Board, Gender Studies Program
Boise State University

PhD, Department of Linguistics
University of California, Santa Barbara

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