[Linganth] publications on language, race, and law

Nicco Amedeo La Mattina na.stamattina at outlook.it
Thu Jun 29 16:56:03 UTC 2017


I’m not sure if you read French, of it your focus is on a specify country (to the exclusion of France), but I’ve added a link to a thesis titled “L’identité créolisée comme alternative aux complexités identitaires : une analyse discursive du genre et de la race dans quelques textes législatifs français” [The Creolised identity as an alternative to the identity complexities: A discursive analysis of gender and race in some French legislative texts]. It discusses the ethnicisation of identities under Sarkozy (just over five years ago) as well as some pretty good Foucaultian discursive analysis of somewhat recent (2010+) French legislation dealing with race.

Best regards,


On 29 giugno 2017 at 09:40:26, Conley Riner, Robin (conleyr at marshall.edu<mailto:conleyr at marshall.edu>) wrote:
Hi all,

I am currently working on a law and language textbook and we would like to include a chapter reviewing scholarship on language, race, and law within the last 5 years. I’m having surprising trouble locating publications on this topic, especially on the discursive construction of race in legal contexts. Please send me citations if you know of any in this field, so that we don’t miss anything.

Thank you!


Robin Conley Riner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Marshall University
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755-2678
Phone: 304-696-2788
Email: conleyr at marshall.edu<mailto:conleyr at marshall.edu>
Office: Smith Hall 740B
Website: http://muwww-new.marshall.edu/dosa/faculty/conley/

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