[Linganth] Mike Agar self obituary

Munoz, Kristine L kristine-fitch at uiowa.edu
Tue May 30 02:52:41 UTC 2017

I appreciate your sharing this with us so much. It is so very him, starting with who writes their own slightly witty, self-effacing obituary but Mike Agar? As much as he taught us, surely he just as consistently made us laugh, and would be glad to be remembered as someone who did not take himself too seriously. Of all his work, the one I will remember the most is his book Independents declared. It led to a series of wonderful conversations with my uncle, a long-haul truck driver with whom I had not until then been able to find much to talk about. When I told Mike later that his book had led my uncle and me to that most precious human experience – common ground – he beamed and said it made him really happy to hear he’d been able to make that happen.


Kristine Muñoz
Spanish & Portuguese,
Communication Studies
University of Iowa

From: Linganth [mailto:linganth-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org] On Behalf Of Eleanor Wynn
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 9:44 AM
To: linganth at listserv.linguistlist.org
Subject: [Linganth] Mike Agar self obituary


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