[Linganth] Update on Catalan independence, identity & language

Woolard, Kathryn kwoolard at ucsd.edu
Wed Sep 13 18:51:55 UTC 2017

Dear colleagues,

Catalan politics and identity are in the international news again. On Sept. 11, ca. one million people again demonstrated in Barcelona in favor of the referendum on independence still controversially scheduled for Oct. 1. No matter what happens, it will be interesting.

Since it’s relevant, I’m sending you the link to my recent book from Oxford on Catalan language and identity politics, which I didn’t do when it was first published. Here also is a link to the interview about the book that Ilana Gershon recently posted on CaMP.



Some of you have asked me for media material for teaching about the Catalan situation; here are a few recent links:

A pretty sympathetic report on the 9/11/17 demonstration, despite the anti-independence editorial stance of news source. Includes a short and polished video with a heartstring-plucking soundtrack.

Catalan/Catalanist news in English:

Book of short pro-Catalan opinions, including by sociolinguists, “What’s Up with Catalonia?” (2013; 2nd ed. forthcoming)

The English-speaking media generally have blind spots about facets of the Catalan situation, but here are latest reports from the Guardian and NYT, for some standard views:


I hope you find some of these sources useful for your teaching or own work. Thanks for listening!

All best,
Kit Woolard

Professor Kathryn A. Woolard
Department of Anthropology, 0532
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0532
kwoolard at ucsd.edu<mailto:kwoolard at ucsd.edu>

Recent book:  https://global.oup.com/academic/product/singular-and-plural-9780190258627?q=woolard&lang=en&cc=us

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