[Linganth] Call for Nominations: Society for Linguistic Anthropology Spring Elections

SLA Online soclinganth at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 19:14:22 UTC 2024

It’s time to start thinking about nominations for the upcoming spring

This year, the Society for Linguistic Anthropology will be seeking to fill
two elected positions, slated to begin Fall 2025.

We are writing because we want to encourage interested members either to
nominate themselves (note: this is what generally happens) or someone else
(which you can do if you know someone who would be a good and willing
candidate) for these positions.

The elected positions are:

   - President-Elect (Nov 2025)
   - Member at Large (Nov 2025)

We are sending this out well in advance of the nominations deadline (*December
15, 2024*), in order to encourage you to consider yourself or a colleague
for these important positions, and to give you time to reach out to us with
any questions you might have about the positions or the process.  You can
contact any of the members of the Nominations Committee: Jocelyn Ahlers (
jahlers at csusm.edu), Britta Ingebretson (bingebretson at fordham.edu), and
Charles Zuckerman (zuckermc at bc.edu).

Nominating yourself may sound mysterious, but it is a simple process. Just
send your name and the position you are interested in to get started. We
(the members of the nominations committee) are also happy to talk to you
about the open positions or the process, connect you with others who have
held a given position previously or currently hold it, and answer general
questions. So please do get in touch if you are curious about getting
involved in the SLA, even if you know very little about how it all works.
We are eager to help members new to SLA service understand how they might
contribute in these roles, and we hope to move well beyond our personal
networks as we search for contributors.

Below are descriptions of the open positions. Please do consider nominating
yourself or others, and, of course, reach out with questions if you are
unsure what a role entails.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Jocelyn Ahlers (jahlers at csusm.edu)

Britta Ingebretson (bingebretson at fordham.edu)

Charles Zuckerman (zuckermc at bc.edu)

*Note*:  All elected and appointed positions are part of the SLA Extended
Board. Beginning in November 2025, all Extended Board positions within the
SLA are professional service volunteer (i.e., unpaid) positions. [Journal
of Linguistic Anthropology Editor is a paid position.] SLA Extended Board
members are eligible for an annual travel reimbursement of $250 to support
their participation in official business at either the AAA or the SLA
meeting. "Official business" refers to the Extended Board Meeting and the
SLA Business Meeting.


The term for President-Elect lasts two years and will begin in November
2025 at the AAA meetings.  The President-Elect will work together with the
SLA President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and 3 Members at Large for two
years before becoming SLA President at the AAA meetings in November 2027.
The President position will last an additional two years before concluding
at the AAA meetings in November 2029. The President-Elect position is
largely an apprentice position; once President, the individual in this
position is responsible for carrying out recurring SLA initiatives,
representing the SLA membership, and leading the organization in positive
new directions. The President-Elect is eligible for an annual stipend of
$250 to support their participation in official business at either the AAA
or the SLA meeting. "Official business" refers to the Extended Board
Meeting and the SLA Business Meeting.

*Member at Large *

The term for the Member at Large position lasts three years and will begin
November 2025 at the AAA meetings. The Member at Large will work together
with the SLA President, the SLA President-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer,
and 2 other Members at Large until the position concludes at the AAA
meeting in November 2028. Members at Large assist the President with
internal SLA initiatives, including the annual student paper prizes, the
book prizes, and conference and event planning. The Member at Large is
eligible for an annual stipend of $250 to support their participation in
official business at either the AAA or the SLA meeting. "Official business"
refers to the Extended Board Meeting and the SLA Business Meeting.

*Society for Linguistic Anthropology Online*
Digital Media Directors: Catherine Tebaldi (Universite du Luxembourg),
Shannon Ward (University of British Columbia Okanagan)
SLA Social Media Manager: Nora Tyeklar (University of Maine at Augusta)
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