[Linganth] Meghanne Barker visits the CaMP virtual reading group

Ilana Gershon imgershon at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 14:25:00 UTC 2025

Dear Colleagues,
Meghanne Barker will be talking about her new book, *Throw Your Voice:
Suspended Animations in Kazakhstani Childhoods -- *Friday*, *January 31st
-noon to 1 pm east coast time.

She has asked us to read chapter 6, and offers the introduction for anyone
wanting more background.   Please read as much as you can, but do feel free
to join us even if you haven't managed to read everything.

The reading can be found here:

Chapter 6 --

introduction -

The meeting will be 12-1 pm  east coast time and can be
reached by clicking on this Zoom link:

  https://iu.zoom.us/j/949202698 <https://iu.zoom.us/j/949202698>

Looking forward to seeing you all virtually,


You can download the whole book here:

CaMP interview:
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