Special Issue: Advisors' Challenge is Underway! Help Them End Fund

Mon Apr 20 17:56:53 UTC 2009

To: linglite at listserv.linguistlist.org
Subject:  Special Issue: Advisors' Challenge is Underway! Help Them End Fund

Dear Colleagues,

When I wrote you at the beginning of the fund
drive I was expecting the usual - a relatively
steady stream of contributions from a smallish
number of people, and letters and pleas similar
to those of past years.  Instead this year we've
had drama and innovation.  The drama came in
the very slow way the drive got started - we
were all worried and are still not ready to relax!  
The innovation can be found in the number of
challenges based on subdisciplines within
Linguistics which joined the traditional
competition among universities for the largest
amount of funding.

With this letter I offer another challenge,
this one based not on divisions but on the
entirety of Linguistics as represented by
the LinguistList Advisory Board.  We are
formalists, cognitivists, and functionalists.  
We look at language both synchronically and
diachronically across the many subfields of
Linguistics. We represent a large number of
universities and other entities around the world.  
What we have in common is that we all support

We challenge everyone who has not yet contributed
(and there are many of you) to match our collective
$2,000 four times over.  It's not a small task and
we therefore give you 48 hours to do so.

Don't let the LinguistList down!  I am not going
to talk this year about why we need it - we all
know the reasons and they don't have to be repeated.  
But the List needs you too, so meet the Board
challenge and help keep this bedrock of our
profession going strong!

Donate now at:

With thanks from the Board of Advisors,

Margaret Winters

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