Isn't It About Time Someone Wrote a Song About You?

Wed Mar 7 18:07:16 UTC 2012

Dear LINGUIST List subscribers,

We're sure you've been enjoying the 2012 Fund Drive song, written and
performed by student editor Justin Petro:

You may have noticed, however, that it's lacking a certain something:
lyrics specifically glorifying YOU. Where are the tales of YOUR
derring-do, and the epithets about YOUR honor and courage?

To correct that most unfortunate situation, we're announcing the
Bard's Ballad Challenge: the person who donates the most between now
and midnight on Friday will be the hero of a new song by Justin. If
you've always secretly thought of yourself as a Beowulf or an Aeneas
type, now's your opportunity to star in an epic! The song will be
featured on the Fund Drive site, and in the next chapter of the
LINGQUEST Saga. Not only will linguists worldwide hear of your
heroism, they'll also find themselves humming the catchy refrain of
your heroism.

Donate as much as you can from now until 11:59 pm EST on Friday--
donations are cumulative, so if you donate in increments, it all
adds up and counts towards your win! Donate now and secure your
place in musical epic history, and ensure that LINGUIST List can
keep serving you for years to come.

Tunefully yours,
The LINGUIST List Crew

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