Want to Join the Happy Ranks of Prize Winners?

Mon Mar 19 22:25:56 UTC 2012

Dear LINGUIST List Subscribers,

In case you haven't heard, this week is Prize of
the Day Week-- every single day,we're giving away
fantastic prizes to our donors. Today's prize: a
free one-year subscription to ANY John Benjamins
journal for THREE lucky winners. Browse the journals
you could choose from at the John Benjamins site:


All you have to do is donate today, March 19 (before
midnight EST time) and you'll be entered in the journal
subscription raffle! There's no minimum donation, so
hurry and donate any amount for your chance to win!

We're also pleased to announce the winners of last
week's Brill Dictionaries Raffle. Our randomly
selected winners (truly, mathematically random,
thanks to Random.org's random number generator):

Jared Bernstein of Stanford University won the Etymological
Dictionary of Proto-Celtic! Congratulations, Jared!

Sean Gleason of Yale University won the Etymological
Dictionary of Latin! Congratulations, Sean!

If you'd like to see YOUR name on the list of prize
winners, donate today before midnight! And remember,
there will be a fantastic prize giveaway every day this
week-- donate each day for your chance to win!


Good luck,
The LINGUIST List Crew

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