Internet Grammars?

Frans Plank Frans.Plank at UNI-KONSTANZ.DE
Wed Feb 4 20:36:11 UTC 1998

Dear Elena and ALT community,

actually, what I suggested in our previous correspondence about this matter
was this, which is not quite what Elena attributes to me but something
potentially more useful and easy-to-set-up:

"what I think really ought to be feasible is to have a Grammar Archive on
the internet, something like the Rutgers Optimality Archive.  Nothing
ambitious on our part--just a service.  Whoever has a grammar in electronic
form (or maybe we act as censors and require them to be Good Grammars, or
at any rate Not-Too-Bad ones) sends us the file; we collect them in an
archive, list them, and make them available to anyone on the net who can
fetch and read such files."


Frans Plank
Universitaet Konstanz
D-78457 Konstanz
E-mail:  frans.plank at
Tel:   +49-(0)7531-88 2656, 88 2465, home +49-(0)7531-57450
Fax:   +49-(0)7531-88 4190

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