
MORAVCSIK Edit moravcsik at NYTUD.HU
Mon Oct 26 10:13:02 UTC 1998

This is regarding the discussion that has recently taken place on LINGTYP
regarding pronouns. Here are two relevant references:

   l. Peter Muehlhaeusler & Rom Harre'. 1990. _Pronouns and people.
The linguistic construction of social and personal identity._
Oxford: Blackwell's.

       This book provides data on "secondary" uses of personal
pronouns. Among others, M&H make the point that the
first person plural pronoun can be used in reference to
all five of the other basic pronouns!

   2. Joseph Greenberg. l990. "The second person is rightly
so called" In Mushira Eid & Gregory Iverson (ed.) _Principles
and prediction: the analysis of natural language_ 9-23.
Amsterdam: Benjamins.

        Among other things, the paper talks about the
relationship of pronouns and nouns.

Edith Moravcsik

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