
Frans Plank Frans.Plank at UNI-KONSTANZ.DE
Fri Jun 4 11:29:46 UTC 1999

Dear Matt and Pieter,

what you write about verb (vs. noun) prominence brings back distant
memories of what I once called verb-centredness (in a lengthy paper in the
Journal of Semantics 3 (1984)), a composite typological property consisting
of classificational agreement (verbal classification), object
differentiation, subjectivity, perhaps active alignment, and a medley of
further correlates.  I have no idea, though how verb-centred languages deal
with property concepts (aka adjectives).  Maybe other published work
touching on notions comparable to verb-centredness or verb prominence
(there must be plenty, including Arthur Capell "A typology of concept
domination" in Lingua 1965) has something to say on this.


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