Association for Linguistic Typology

Marianne Mithun mithun at HUMANITAS.UCSB.EDU
Wed Jul 11 04:36:05 UTC 2001

ALT IV, the fourth meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology will
take place next week from Thursday, July 19, through Sunday noon, July 22,
on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara. The program
is below and also included as an attachment.

Registration fees are:

	ALT members:		$ 90
	Nonmembers:		 115

	Student members:	$ 70
	Student nonmembers:	  95

Program:  ALT IV
Association for Linguistic Typology
Santa Barbara, California

Thursday morning, 19 July 2001

10:00 on:	Registration:
		State Street Room, UCen (University Center), lower level

 9:00-12:00	Workshop on South American Languages:
		Flying A, UCen, upper level

		Pilar Valenzuela, Vernica Grondona, Sergio Meira

 9:00-9:35	Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro: Descriptive predicates in Macro-Je
 9:35-10:10	Vernica Grondona: Location and direction in Waikuruan
10:10-10:45	Pilar Valenzuela:  Adverbial transitivity agreement in
		Panoan languages

Coffee:  State Street Room

11:00-11:35	Sergio Meira: A typological overview of the Cariban
		family, with special attention to valency
11:35-12:10	Sidney Da Silva Facundes:  Nominal (un)possession in
		Arawak languages and the typology of possession marking

Thursday afternoon

Flying A Room

13:15-13:30	Welcome

		The Languages of California in typological perspective

13:30-14:00	Marianne Mithun: Overview
14:00-14:30	M. Dale Kinkade: The areal question: The Northwest Coast
		and California
14:30-15:00	Victor Golla: Two major California types: Yana and Yokuts
15:30-16:00	Suzanne Wash: Barbareno Chumash: a typologist's tour from
		phonology to syntax

Coffee:  State Street Room

Session A:  Flying A Room

16:00-16:30	Andrej Kibrik: A typologically oriented portrait of the
		Athabaskan languages
16:30-17:00	Olga V. Fedorova: Deictic features of demonstratives in
		Daghestanian languages

Session B:  State Street Room

16:00-16:30	Emily Knight: Transitivity is disrespectful:
		Antipassivisation as a deagentivising/ object defocussing
		strategy in the avoidance register of Bunuba
16:30-17:00	Seppo Kittila: A typology of involuntary agent

Friday morning, 20 July 2001

8:30		Coffee etc., Multicultural Center Lobby

Session A:  Flying A Room

 9:00-9:30	Regina Pustet: Copulas worldwide
 9:30-10:00	Eva Schultze-Berndt: Competing relations: depictive
		secondary predicates and adverbials in crosslinguistic
10:00-10:30	Satoshi Uehara and Kingkarn Thepkanjana: Towards a
		typology of resultative constructions: a case study of
		some languages of Pacific Rim Asia

Session B:  MCC Theater (Multicultural Center)

9:00-9:30	Greville Corbett, Dunstan Brown, and Carole Tiberius:
		Agreement: Towards a typology
9:30-10:00	Peter Schmidt: Agreement domain universals:
		Semantically-based proposals and their problems
10:00-10:30	Martin Haspelmath: Basic argument marking in ditransitive
		alignment types

Coffee:  MCC lobby

Session A:  Flying A

11:30-12:00	Johan van der Auwera and N. Dobrushina: Towards a typology
		of imperatives and hortatives: Categories and systems
12:00-12:30	Timothy Curnow: Evidentiality and first person: an initial

Session B:  MCC Theater

11:00-11:30	Frans Plank: Competing motivations for gender distinctions
		relative to numbers in pronominal paradigms: Markedness,
		conflict resolution, retention of recent inheritance
11:30-12:00	Olga Ourioupina: Number agreement and verb distributive
		plurality in Oceanic languages
12:00-12:30	Michael A. Daniel: Two ways of pronominal number


Friday Afternoon

Session A:  Flying A:  Databases

13:30-14:00	Manuella Pinto and Paola Monachesi: Developing a
		metalanguage for a 'Typological Database System'

14:00-15:00	Workshop: Cross-linguistic databases
		Balthasar Bickel and Johanna Nichols, organizers
		David Gil, Anna Siewierska, Elena Filimonova, Balthsar
		Bickel and Johanna Nichols, Paola Monachesi, Don Willems

Session B:  MCC Theater

13:30-14:00	Wolfgang Schellinger: One + many = two: Indirect number
14:00-14:30	Anna Siewierska and Dik Bakker: Semantic parameters of the
		grammaticalization of person agreement.
14:30-15:00	Michael Cysouw: The (a)symmetry of inflectional person

Coffee:  MCC Lobby

Session A:  Flying A

15:00-17:00	Workshop on cross-linguistic databases, continued

Session B:  MCC Theater

15:00-15:30	Matthew Baerman: The interpretation of person syncretism
15:30-16:00	Horst Simon: Only you?  On the alleged inclusive-exclusive
		distinction in the second person plural
16:30-17:00	Johannes Helmbrecht: On the typology of politeness
		distinctions in pronouns

18:00		Reception hosted by John Benjamins Publishing House,
		MCC Lounge

Saturday morning, 21 July 2001

8:00		Coffee etc.:  MCC Lobby

Session A:  Flying A

 8:30-9:00	Sergei Sai: On the universality of the notion "head"
 9:00-9:30	Hsiu-chuan Liao: The Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy
		revisited: A view from ergative languages
 9:30-10:00	Sonia Cristofaro and Anna Giacalone Ramat: Case
		relativization strategies and the relativization of
10:00-10:30	Maria Polinsky:  Towards a typology of control structures

Session B:  MCC Theater

 8:30-9:00	Sergei Tatevosov: The parameter of actionality: Towards a
		typology of aspectual classes
 9:00-9:30	Oesten Dahl and Viveka Velulpillai: Areality in
		tense-aspect systems
 9:30-10:00	Nicholas Reid: Sitting right at the back: Serialised
		posture/stance verbs in Northern Australian languages
10:00-10:30	Ljuba Veselinova: Suppletion in tense-aspect categories

Cofffee:  MCC Lobby

Session A:  Flying A

11:00-11:30	Jon Aske: Ancillary changes in the shift from OV to
		VO: Evidence from Basque
11:30-12:00	Michael Fortescue and J. Lachlan Mackenzie: A two-tiered
		typological approach to disharmonic word-order/affixation
12:00-12:30	Holger Diessel: The positional patterns of subordinate
		clauses in cross-linguistic perspective

Session B:  MCC Theater

11:00-11:30	Shuafan Huang: Seediq: Spatial representations in a
		language without prepositions
11:30-12:00	Juergen Bohnemeyer: Linguistic principles of motion event
12:00-12:30	Johanna Nichols, David Peterson, and Jonathan Barnes:
		Which verbs form causatives?


Saturday afternoon

Session A:  Flying A

13:30-14:00	Lindsay Whaley: A cross-linguistic examination of
		quantifier float
14:00-14:30	Konstantin Kazenin: Towards a typology of predicate
14:30-15:00	Volker Gast: Innovation versus renovation in the
		grammaticalization of reflexive markers

Session B:  MCC Theater

13:30-14:00	Bernard Comrie: Recipient person suppletion in the verb
		give: a preliminary typological study
14:00-14:30	Adam Saulwick: Towards an intragenetic typology of
		benefactives in Gunwinyguan with particular reference to
14:30-15:00	Silvia Luraghi: Separating instruments from companions

Coffee:  MCC Lobby

15:30-17:00	Business meeting:  MCC Theater

19:00		Banquet:  The Beachside

Sunday morning

8:30	Coffee, etc.:  MCC Lounge

MCC Theater

 9:00-9:30	Myung-Hee Kim, Lesley Stirling, and Nicholas Evans:
		Narrative structure and referring expressions in Australian
 9:30-10:00	Balthasar Bickel: How important are referents?  Syntactic
		typology and discourse
10:00-10:30	G. Tucker Childs: Language contact, language typology, and
		language death: The case of Mmani

Coffee:  MCC Lobby

11:00-11:30	David A. Peterson: Typological evidence for the origin and
		motivation of applicative constructions
11:30-12:00	Donna Gerdts and Thomas Hukari:  Stacking antipassives in
		Halkomelem Salish

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