Summary: inclusory constructions

Annie Montaut Annie.Montaut at EHESS.FR
Thu Apr 1 00:16:35 UTC 2004

Sorry to bother the whole list, I (montaut at would like to contact
James William Gair (Cornell) and cannot find his address...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Croft"
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 11:34 PM
Subject: Summary: inclusory constructions

> Dear list members,
> Thanks very much for the overwhelming and immediate response.
> The construction I was interested in, "Mary
> leave-1PL" ('Mary and I left'), is an instance of
> what Lichtenberk 2000 calls an implicit split
> inclusory construction. An inclusory construction
> is one in which the reference of one syntactic
> element is properly included in the reference of
> another syntactic element, the inclusory
> pronominal (in my example, the referent of "Mary"
> is included in the 1st plural referent set). If
> the two elements do not form a unit, Lichtenberk
> calls it split; if there is no overt linking
> morpheme, Lichtenberk calls it implicit. Some
> correspondents offered examples of other types of
> inclusory constructions, such as what Lichtenberk
> calls a (implicit) phrasal inclusory construction
> (the pronominal and included element form a
> phrase), as in Bislama (Crowely 2004:71):
> Mitufala gel ia i stap wokbaot long sanbij.
> 'That girl and I were walking along the beach.'
> [Mitufala = first person dual exclusive]
> Singer (2001) argues that in some Australian
> languages, nonaffixal inclusory pronominals do
> not form a phrase with the included nominal.
> Another type is what Lichtenberk calls an
> explicit (phrasal) inclusory construction, as in
> Hungarian (example from Richard Madsen, COM =
> comtitative):
> Elment-ünk Mary-vel
> left-we Mary-COM
> The usual etymological source of the explicit
> morpheme is a comitative or an NP coordinating
> conjunction.
> This just gives an outline of the phenomenon; for
> details, here are the references offered me, not
> all of which have I been able to check at this
> point.
> Bill Croft
> --Earlier papers discussing inclusory constructions:
> Mithun, Marianne. 1986. Disagreement: the case of
> pronominal affixes and nouns. Proceedings of the
> Georgetown University Round Table Conference on
> Languages and Linguistics 1985, ed. Deborah
> Tannen & James E. Alatis, 50-66. Washington, DC:
> Georgetown University Press.
> Schwartz, Linda. 1988a. Conditions on verb-coded
> coordinations. Studies in syntactic typology, ed.
> Michael Hammond, Edith Moravcsik & Jessica Wirth,
> 53-73. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
> Schwartz, Linda. 1988b. Asymmetric feature
> distributions in pronominal 'coordinations'.
> Agreement in Natural Language, ed. Michael Barlow
> & Charles A. Ferguson, 237-49. Stanford: Center
> for the Study of Language and Information.
> Aissen, Judith. 1989. Agreement controllers and
> Tzotzil comitatives. Language 65:518-36.
> --Recent literature specifically on inclusory constructions:
> Lichtenberk, Frantisek. 2000. Inclusory
> pronominals. Oceanic Linguistics 39:1-32.
> Singer, Ruth. 2001. Inclusory constructions in
> Australian Languages. Honours thesis, Department
> of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
> University of Melbourne. Available at
> Bril, Isabelle. 2004. Coordination strategies and
> inclusory constructions in New Caledonian and
> other Oceanic languages. To appear in
> Coordinating constructions, ed. Martin
> Haspelmath. (Typological studies in Language.)
> Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
> --Other related references:
> Barlow, Michael. 1999. Agreement as a discourse
> phenomenon. Folia Linguistica 33: 187-210.
> Bickel, Balthasar. 2000. On the syntax of
> agreement in Tibeto-Burman. Studies in Language
> 24:583-609.
> Corbett, Greville G. 2000. Number. Cambridge:
> Cambridge University Press. [pp 191-92, 232-33]
> Haspelmath, Martin. To appear. Coordination.
> Language typology and linguistic description (2nd
> ed.), ed. Timothy Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge
> University Press. Available at
> Moravcsik, Edith. 2003. A semantic analysis of
> associative plurals. Studies in Language
> 27:469-503.
> --Some grammars with examples mentioned by correspondents:
> Crowley, Terry. 2004. Bislama Reference Grammar. Honolulu: University of
> Hawai'i Press. [p. 71]
> Evans, Nicholas. 2003. Bininj Gun-Wok: a
> pan-dialectal grammar of Mayali, Kunwinjku and
> Kune (2 vol.). (Pacific Lingusitics, 541.)
> Canberra:  Australian National University. [pp
> 419-20]
> Faarlund, Jan Terje. 2004. The Syntax of Old
> Norse. Oxford UP. (Due to appear in June) [pp.
> 89-90]
> François, Alexandre. 2001. Contraintes de
> structures et liberté dans l'organisation du
> discours: Une description du mwotlap, langue
> océanienne du Vanuatu. Doctoral dissertation,
> Université Paris-IV Sorbonne. 3 volumes.
> Zuniga, Fernando. 2000. Mapudungun. Munich: LINCOM Europa.

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