Determiners and quantifiers

Åshild Næss ashild.nass at ILF.UIO.NO
Mon Apr 26 12:34:08 UTC 2004

Dear typologists,

can anyone refer me to any literature which addresses the question of how 
to define the category of determiners on the one hand versus quantifiers on 
the other? Or has anyone got a good suggestion of their own? What little 
I've been able to find seems rather vague and impressionistic, but maybe 
I've just been reading the wrong books...

Thanks in advance,

Åshild Næss

Åshild Næss
Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1102 Blindern
0317 Oslo

Tel. (+47) 22844006

ashild.nass at

Office: PAM 146A

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