references on adpositional typology

Gideon Goldenberg msgidgol at MSCC.HUJI.AC.IL
Tue Dec 5 17:19:18 UTC 2006

Dear Steven Schaufele and all,
You will find interesting relevant discussion and
references in Riho GrĂ¼nthal, Finnic Adpositions and
Cases in Change (Helsinki, The Finno-Ugrian Society,
2003) [Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia 244].
All the best, Gideon Goldenberg.

>    Dear Colleagues,   One of my students has expressed an interest in
>some good bibliographic  references on the issues of adpositional typology
>-- prepositions vs.  postpositions, etc.  Since this is an area where my
>own interest vastly  outstrips my reliable knowledge, i'm looking for some
>suggestions from those  with more knowledge & experience in this area. 
>I'm willing to post a  summary, if it's desired.   Thanks, Steven   Steven
>Schaufele, Ph.D.
>English Dept., Soochow University
>Taipei,  Taiwan
>Telephone: (home) 2877-1090
>(office) 2881-9471 ext. 6504
>(fax)  2881-7609

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