LT matters

Frans Plank Frans.Plank at UNI-KONSTANZ.DE
Wed Apr 25 14:12:39 UTC 2007

Dear ALT members and other readers of LT,

LT is appearing triannually, with March/April, 
July/August, and November/December as the three 
usual time windows where to expect an issue. 
This year the first issue is a bit unusual 
(commemorating 10 years of LT:  see below for the 
contents), a bit longer than usual, and a bit 
longer in the coming too:  it is currently at the 
proof stage, and it should be out before the end 
of May.  With LT 11-2 we will be back at the 
usual cycle -- to come out in July/August, in 
good time for ALT vii.

On a different topic, further to an issue 
broached in the editorial report in LT 10-3: 
While linguistics and many of its journals, LT 
included, continue not to get a good deal from 
Thomson Scientific, there are now three other 
comparative assessments of scholarly journals in 
our discipline to draw on:

(i)   the study of Nederhof et al (2001) reported on in LT 10, 2006, p469;

(ii)  an initiative of the Norwegian 
Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR) of 2004, 
revised in 2006, for which see:,

(iii)  ERIH, the European Reference Index for the 
Humanities, compiled under the auspices of the 
European Science Foundation:

LT is doing well in all three ratings.  Do 
continue to send the good and topical stuff that 
has gotten LT such good marks.

Frans Plank


LT 11-1 (2007)

Whither linguistic typology
- an und für sich and in relation to other types of linguistic pursuits?


Jae Jung Song
What or where can we do better? Some personal 
reflections on (the tenth anniversary of) 
Linguistic Typology

Gilbert Lazard
Wider and deeper

Edith A. Moravcsik
What is universal about typology?

Frans Plank
Extent and limits of linguistic diversity as the 
remit of typology - but through constraints on 
WHAT is diversity limited?

Michael Daniel
Representative sampling and typological explanation: A phenomenological lament

William Croft
Typology and linguistic theory in the past decade: A personal view

Guglielmo Cinque
A note on linguistic theory and typology

Juliette Blevins
The importance of typology in explaining recurrent sound patterns

Matthew Baerman and Greville G. Corbett
Linguistic typology:  Morphology

Martin Haspelmath
Pre-established categories don't exist: 
Consequences for language description and typology

Frederick J. Newmeyer
Linguistic typology requires crosslinguistic formal categories

Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Martine Vanhove, and Peter Koch
Typological approaches to lexical semantics

Hilary Chappell, Li Ming, and Alain Peyraube
Chinese linguistics and typology: The state of the art

Dan I. Slobin and Melissa Bowerman
Interfaces between linguistic typology and child language research


Larry M. Hyman, Johanna Nichols, and Lynn Nichols
Typology in American linguistics:  An appraisal of the field

Johanna Nichols
What, if anything, is typology?

Balthasar Bickel
Typology in the 21st century: Major current developments

Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.
Some speculation about the reason for the lesser 
status of typology in the USA as opposed to Europe

Lynn Nichols
Methodology and the empirical base of typology

Larry M. Hyman
Where's phonology in typology?

Maria Polinsky and Robert Kluender
Linguistic typology and theory construction: Common challenges ahead

Mark C. Baker and Jim McCloskey
On the relationship of typology to theoretical syntax

Joan Bresnan
A few lessons from typology
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