postdoctoral position in Austroasiatic languages

Hilary Chappell Hilary.Chappell at EHESS.FR
Sat Apr 28 09:15:26 UTC 2007


Postdoctoral position

Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale (UMR 8563), CNRS

Director : Hilary M. Chappell

54, boulevard Raspail

75006 Paris, France

Project topic: Serial verb constructions in Vietnamese (or in another 
language of the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austroasiatic family)

Description: The candidate will be a specialist in Mon-Khmer linguistics 
(for example, in Vietnamese, Khmer or one of the Aslian languages) and be 
interested above all in the typological profile of this language family. 
She or he will be expected to undertake fieldwork in the region where the 
given language is spoken in order to carry out the grammatical analysis on 
a fully empirical basis. The application of a general framework of 
languages in contact and linguistic areas is a desideratum within the 
context of the larger project on the typology of East Asian languages to 
which this belongs. A basic level of French would be useful but is not a 
requirement at the commencement of the project.

Duration of position: One year

Commencement date: either 1st September, 2007 or 1st October, 2007

Project director: Hilary Chappell “Linguistic typology of East Asia”

Location of research laboratory: 

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme

54, boulevard Raspail

75006 Paris, France

Salary: 2500 euros per month (gross)

Note: A return economy airfare (or trainfare, as appropriate) will be 
reimbursed by the CRLAO. There is no provision however for any other 
relocation expenses. The CRLAO can however provide assistance to the 
successful applicant in finding appropriate accommodation in Paris.

Application procedure: The applicant should compile a dossier which 
includes the CNRS “dossier de candidature” form, and enclose with this 
their curriculum vitae, publications list, a list of three referees 
willing to provide references, and copy of their PhD diploma. The summary 
of the proposed project should include its significance as well as 
expected outcomes. The form to be completed may be found at the following 

Deadline for applications: 30 April, 2007

Potential applicants are requested to carefully verify their eligibility 
and all details on the following website:

Contact for further information : 

Hilary Chappell  

(33) 01 49 54 24 31 Email : Hilary.Chappell at

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