PostDoc position at University of Erfurt

Christian Lehmann christian.lehmann at UNI-ERFURT.DE
Fri Aug 24 06:58:21 UTC 2007

The University of Erfurt (Philosophical Faculty) has announced the
position of a Junior Professor (the formal successor to the Assistant,
the major difference being independence) for linguistics, priority in
language documentation. Formal requirement is PhD. For further
information, please see the job advertisement, which was published in 
Die Zeit and can be seen at the URL

Applications welcome.

Christian Lehmann

Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann
Philosophische Fakultät
Postf. 900221
D-99105 Erfurt

Tel.:	+49/361/737	-4200 (Sekr.)
			-4201 (selbst)
Fax:			-4209
E-Post:	Christian.Lehmann at Uni-Erfurt.De

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