Association for Linguistic Typology 9th Biennial Meeting (ALT9)

Stephen Matthews matthews at HKUCC.HKU.HK
Wed Sep 15 11:23:59 UTC 2010

 Association for Linguistic Typology 9th Biennial Meeting (ALT9)

Typology beyond the West: Diversity in East Asian and other
non-Indo-European languages


University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

July 21 – July 24, 2011 (Thursday – Sunday)

The Association for Linguistic Typology invites abstracts on any topic in
typology for 20-minute papers, posters, and a limited number of
workshops. Non-members may submit abstracts but will be expected to join ALT
in order to present a paper at the meeting.

Deadline for receipt of abstracts (revised): December 1, 2010
(papers/posters) or November 1, 2010 (workshops: see below)

Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2010

The conference aims to present a maximum of three parallel sessions, four
workshops, and 2 poster sessions. Papers are anonymously reviewed; in line
with previous meetings, the committee will strive to ensure that selection
is rigorous but that acceptance-rate is not too low.

*Categories of submission***

1) Individual oral presentations (single or multiple author): 20 minutes +
10 minutes for discussion

2) Posters:  One or more poster sessions will be organized, depending on

3) Oral or poster:  This means you prefer an oral presentation but can also
present a poster.  If there are more good abstracts than we can accommodate,
the Program Committee will schedule some as posters. If you choose either
category "poster" or "oral or poster", this will increase your chances of

4) Workshop: Each abstract will be reviewed in the same way as individual
papers, and will be individually accepted or not. A workshop abstract is
required which will also be competitively reviewed. If all individual
abstracts and the workshop abstract are accepted, the workshop will be
scheduled as a workshop. If not, the accepted papers will be scheduled as
regular individual presentations (and may be scheduled together, as we will
aim for thematic unity of conference sessions where possible). In the case
of a close call (e.g. a workshop with all but one presentation accepted; all
presentations accepted but workshop proposal not accepted; etc.) the Program
Committee will try to resolve things in as member-friendly a way as

Note: One individual may be involved in a maximum of two papers (maximum of
one as sole author). A workshop presentation by one person counts as a
single-author paper.

*How to submit an abstract***

Send your abstract as an email attachment to:
ALT9HKU at<alt9hku at>

Subject header: (your last name) ALT9 abstract

(If you have a common last name, please include an initial)

Include these things in the body of the email:

•Author's name(s)

•Abstract title

•In case of workshop submission: workshop title, authors and titles of all

•Contact information: email, phone, fax

Abstract specifications:

Maximum length: 500 words or 1 single-spaced page

Abstracts and papers should be in English.

Put this information at the top of your abstract:


•Category:  oral; poster; either oral or poster

•Format:  If at all possible, please send your abstract as a pdf.

•Name: Give your pdf a filename similar to the subject header.

*Anonymity*:  Abstracts must be anonymous: do not put your name or other
identifying information on the abstract. Also, please anonymize your pdf by
removing identifying information. Usually this can be done using the
following two pull-down menus:

File > document properties > description (remove name of author)

View > comments (though an abstract is unlikely to have comments, check this
and remove any comments, as they will show your username)

View > review tracker (ditto)

If it's your own copy of the software, you might also check:

Acrobat > preferences > identity (to keep your identity off the pdf leave
all fields blank).

* ***

*Other events** *

•The conference will be held back-to back with the 16th International
Conference on Lexical-Functional
also at The University of Hong Kong, July 16-19.

•Preceding ALT9 there will be a 1-day workshop on Typological Studies of
Languages of China on July 21, 2011. Contact: Picus Ding<picus.ding at>,
University of Hong Kong,

*Programme Committee*

Johanna Nichols, University of California at Berkeley (chair)

Umberto Ansaldo, University of Hong Kong

Hilary Chappell, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris

Larry Hyman, University of California at Berkeley

Stephen Matthews, University of Hong Kong

Thomas Stolz, Universität Bremen

Conference website:<>

ALT website:
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