Part time (50%) position in General and Comparative Linguistics available at the University of Regensburg

Jean-Christophe Verstraete jean-christophe.verstraete at ARTS.KULEUVEN.BE
Wed Jan 18 09:30:34 UTC 2012

(forwarded on behalf of Johannes Helmbrecht)

Dear List members,

there is a part time (50%) teaching and research position available at 
the University of Regensburg at the Chair of General and Comparative 
Linguistics. The position can be filled instantly with a contract ending 
in December 2014. The position is payed according to the German pay 
scale E 13 TV L which amounts to a gross income of about 1700 Euros 
monthly depending on professional experience. The contract may even be 
extended depending on the financial resources of the faculty.

The duties comprise teaching courses and seminars of 4,5 hours per week
during the semester within the BA and MA programs "General and 
Comparative Linguistics". Among them are introductory and advanced 
courses in all central areas of linguistics. Language of instruction is 
German or English. The successful candidate holds a PhD in linguistics 
and ideally has strong interests in one of the following areas: general 
linguistics, language typology, language documentation, and historical 

Further information on the structure, content, and spirit of the BA and 
MA program in "General and Comparative Linguistics" at the University of
Regensburg can be obtained from our website:

Please send your application (CV including a list of publications and 
taught courses) no later than January 31, 2012 to Johannes Helmbrecht
(johannes.helmbrecht at preferably in 
electronicform (pdf).

Please forward this message to people who may have an interest in this
position. In case of further questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks for your attention.

Johannes Helmbrecht

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