Caveat emptor
Bernhard Waelchli
bernhard at LING.SU.SE
Tue Sep 17 20:29:04 UTC 2013
If I understand this correctly Dan argues that linguists are subject to
durability of behavioral dispositions (hystérésis de l’habitus in Pierre
Bourdieu’s 1980: 104-5 terms: the phenomenon of agents who have been
socialized in a certain social world preserving their style of behavior
to a large extent, even if the behavior has become non-efficient after,
for instance, a brutal historical evolution, such as a revolution, that
has made disappear the old world). In other words, that we are all Don
Quichotes and hire poor Ph.D. students as Sancho Panzas thus ruining
their chance for a life in prosperity and peace.
It is certainly useful to reflect about this option for a while.
However, in considering it it is important to recognize that economic
capital is not the only kind of capital in society. There is even -
excuse me for coming with Bourdieu once more, but he was a clever guy
even if he criticized linguists -
(i) symbolic capital (refers to all forms of capital [cultural, social,
or economic] with special recognition in society,
(ii) social capital (measures the resources related to the possession of
a durable network of relationships and mutual recognition), and
(iii) cultural capital (measures all the cultural resources available to
an individual. They can be of three forms: incorporated [knowledge and
know-how, skills, forms of speech, etc..], objectified [possession of
cultural objects] and institutionalized [titles, diplomas]).
Views of society reducing everything to economic capital are quite
impoverished. Overestimating economic capital often makes agents
underestimate the total capital they hold. This is, for instance, as you
all know, well documented in the literature on language death. A
frequent reason for not teaching the next generation one’s own language
is low self-esteem and the belief that other cultural codes are more
successful, especially on the economic level. Another reason is the
belief of indivisibility and immutability of non-economic capital: that
future generations will not be able to acquire the cultural code with
the same degree of perfection as ego anyway.
As we all know from language death, interruption of cultural
transmission entails a decrease of cultural diversity. We linguists can
do very little to help the world take care of economic capital in a
useful way. However, we linguists can contribute quite substantially to
help the world take care of its cultural, social, and symbolic capital.
I think linguistics has no reason for low self-esteem as far as
cultural, social, and symbolic capital are concerned and I hope very
much that linguists who believe that linguistics of tomorrow never can
reach the level of relevance of linguistics of today and yesterday will
prove to be wrong. Who are we that we can know for sure that what we are
doing has no potential to evolve into something even more powerful in
the future?
Bourdieu, Pierre. 1980. Le sens pratique. Paris: Éditions de minuit.
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