[Lingtyp] PhD student position in Diachronic Typology/Historical Linguistics

Balthasar Bickel balthasar.bickel at uzh.ch
Mon Dec 7 15:08:24 UTC 2015

The Department of Comparative Linguistics at the University of Zurich invites applications for a PhD student position in Diachronic Typology/Historical Linguistics. The position is placed in a shared research track in Indo-European Linguistics (Prof. Widmer) and General Linguistics (Prof. Bickel). The successful applicant will work towards a PhD dissertation on some or all branches of Indo-European in a typological, historical and/or areal pespective. The position is particularly well suited to students who like to benefit from collaborations with dynamic and highly motivated research groups.

Applicants must have both substantial philological expertise in at least one branch of Indo-European and training in linguistic typology and areal/historical linguistics. Additional qualifications in computational typological/phylogenetic, and/or corpus-linguistic methods are particularly welcome.

Candidates are requested to submit a proposal for a possible PhD project (max 2 pages) describing the topic, the methods, and the approach they intend to take.

We offer this position for an initial period of one year, extendable up to 4 years. The position should ideally be filled by April 1, 2015.

Applications are expected to reach us by February 1, 2016, and should include a CV, a copy of the Master's thesis, and the proposal. Please send the documents in PDF format to balthasar.bickel at uzh.ch  and paul.widmer at uzh.ch, both of which may be contacted for further information.

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