[Lingtyp] PhD position (University of Jena)

Volker Gast volker.gast at uni-jena.de
Thu Nov 30 20:02:10 UTC 2017

Dear all,
I'd be grateful if you could forward this job ad to potential applicants.


The Department of English and American Studies at the University of Jena 
(Germany) invites applications for a PhD position (50%) beginning April 
1, 2018. The position is for three years, but there is the possiblity of 
an extension.

* Degree in English or comparative linguistics (e.g. MA)
* Interest and background in language comparison (e.g. linguistic 
typology, contrastive linguistics)
* Metholodigal interest and skills (e.g. corpus linguistics, multi-media 
* Programming skills are an advantage (e.g. R, Python)

Teaching responsibilities will be one course per semester. Salary is 
according to the German FedEral Pay Scale (TV-L).

Applications can be sent to me by email.

I attach the "official" job ad (in German).

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Volker Gast
volker.gast at uni-jena.de

Prof. Volker Gast
English and American Studies
Ernst-Abbe-PLatz 8
D-07743 Jena

Fon: ++49 3641 9-44546
Fax: ++49 3641 9-44542

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