[Lingtyp] literature on "wh-movement"/constituent interrogatives
Nigel Vincent
nigel.vincent at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Oct 23 07:20:03 UTC 2018
You can find quite a bit about different interrogative patterns in the work of Louise Mycock - see this link for her publications including a book in preparation: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~cpgl0023/Publications.html
If we must use such oppositions - and I'd much rather we didn't - her approach is as much formal as functional, but since it is couched within the framework of LFG, I guess in your terms it can be said to 'stick closer to the surface'.
Professor Nigel Vincent, FBA MAE
Professor Emeritus of General & Romance Linguistics
The University of Manchester
Linguistics & English Language
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
The University of Manchester
From: Lingtyp [lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org] on behalf of Adam James Ross Tallman [ajrtallman at utexas.edu]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 10:48 PM
To: LINGTYP at listserv.linguistlist.org
Subject: [Lingtyp] literature on "wh-movement"/constituent interrogatives
I'm looking at structural differences between constituent interrogative sentences and minimally contrastive non-interrogative counterparts. The vast majority of the literature is in the generative tradition under the guise of wh-movement. I was wondering whether anyone point me to functional and/or typological literature that stick closer to the surface?
(Recommendations for particularly good literature in the generative tradition are also welcome)
I'm especially interested in the issue of extracting constituent interrogatives out of subordinate clauses. The reason is that I am dealing with constructions that I think are indeterminate between monoclausal vs. biclausal analyses. I found out that they had restrictions on the type of constituent interrogatives they are compatible with and I am wondering whether this actually serves as an argument that they are biclausal.
Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doc, University of Ottawa
Investigador del Museo de EtnografĂa y Folklore, la Paz
PhD, UT Austin
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