[Lingtyp] 'From...to....' clauses

Jesus Francisco Olguin Martinez olguinmartinez at ucsb.edu
Sun Jul 24 03:09:48 UTC 2022

Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well.

I send you this email because I was wondering if you know any studies that
have explored 'from...to...' clauses, as in (1).

(1). *From the moment he was born until the moment he died*, *he never

This temporal construction is interesting because it involves a point of
departure, a 'from' clause, and an endpoint, a 'to' clause.

Many sources of Dogon and Mesoamerican languages contain detailed
descriptions of this type of temporal adverbial clause.

I was wondering if you know any study that has explored this construction.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance!


Jesús Olguín Martínez
Ph.D, Dept. of Linguistics
*University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)*
Home - Jesús Olguín (jesusolguinmartinez.com)

Olguín Martínez, Jesús. 2022. *Temporal adverbial clauses in the languages
of the world: Clause-linking strategies*. Ph.D. dissertation, University of
California, Santa Barbara.

Recent publications:
Olguín Martínez, Jesús & Nicholas Lester.  2022. A quantitative analysis of
counterfactual conditionals in the world’s languages. *Italian Journal of
Linguistics 33*. 147-182.
Olguín Martínez, Jesús. 2021. ‘As if’ constructions in world-wide
perspective. *Journal Linguistic typology at the crossroads* 1. 2-33.
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