[Lingtyp] Three Doctoral Positions (3+1 years) with the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics in Passau

Johann-Mattis List mattis.list at lingpy.org
Tue Apr 11 09:55:20 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Our Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics in Passau offers 
three doctoral positions as part of the ERC project "Productive Signs: A 
computer-assisted investigation of evolutionary, typological, and 
cognitive aspects of word families". Positions are for 3 years with 
possible extension by one more year, deadline to apply is May 20.

You find more information on the three positions on the following links:





Mattis List

Prof. Dr. Johann-Mattis List
Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics
University of Passau
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 16
04032 Passau

Chair Website: https://phil.uni-passau.de/multilinguale-computerlinguistik/
Personal Website: https://lingulist.de
Telephone: +49(0)851/509-3480

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