[Lingtyp] Three Doctoral and Three Post-Doc Positions with the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics in Passau

Johann-Mattis List mattis.list at lingpy.org
Fri Apr 21 12:03:02 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Our Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics is offering a total 
of three doctoral and three post-doctoral positions. All doctoral 
positions are for three years, with a possibility of extension by one 
more year. Research topics include historical linguistics, linguistic 
typology and cognitive linguistics / psycholinguistics. Deadline for 
application is May 20.

Two of the three post-doc positions are for three years and do not 
involve teaching. Topics include linguistic typology and historical 
linguistics. Deadline for application is May 20.

The last post-doc position is for an assistant of the chair, which comes 
with a higher pay grade in the German system (Akademische Rat) and 
involves teaching duties of five hours per week during semester times. 
This position is for three years, with a possible extension by three 
more years. Major background for the candidates is machine learning / 
computational linguistics whereas dealing with multilingual data is a plus.

Starting date for all positions is October 2023, the assistant position 
can also be filled earlier.

Official calls are not yet available in English, but you can check the 
official calls in German, which are summarized with links here: 

If you have any questions on the details, please write an email to 
mcl-admin at uni-passau.de. We'll gladly provide more information. Feel 
also free to forward this email to friends and colleagues or to share 
the link to the calls via social media.


Mattis List

Prof. Dr. Johann-Mattis List
Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics
University of Passau
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 16
04032 Passau

Chair Website: https://phil.uni-passau.de/multilinguale-computerlinguistik/
Personal Website: https://lingulist.de
Telephone: +49(0)851/509-3480

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