[Lingtyp] Phonotacticon 1.0: A phonotactic database of spoken lects of Eurasia

Ian Joo ian_joo at nucba.ac.jp
Wed Aug 16 14:30:18 UTC 2023

Dear typologists,

it is my pleasure to announce the first release of Phonotacticon, a cross-linguistic phonotactic database.
Phonotacticon contains the following information of each spoken lect:

1. Phonemes
2. Tones
3. Onset sequences
4. Nucleus sequences
5. Coda sequences

For example, the phonotactic information of Catalan (Hualde 1992) is as follows:

Phonemes: p t k b d ɡ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ f s ʃ z ʒ m n ɲ ŋ l ʎ r ɾ i u e o ɛ ɔ a ə
Tones: None
Onset sequences: # p t k b d ɡ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ f s ʃ z ʒ m n ɲ l ʎ r ɾ pɾ bɾ tɾ dɾ kɾ ɡɾ fɽ pl bl kl ɡl fl
Nucleus sequences: i u e o ɛ ɔ a ə iu io iɛ iɔ ia iə uo uɛ uɔ ua uə ui ei oi ɛi ɔi ai əi eu ou ɛu ɔu au əu ii uu
Coda sequences: # p b t d t͡ʃ k ɡ f s ʃ m n ɲ ŋ l ʎ r lp lk rp rt rk sp st sk ns ls ps ts ks fs ms ns ɲs ŋs ls ʎs rs lps lks rps rts rks sps

where # represents zero onset/coda.

The first version, Phonotacticon 1.0, contains 512 Eurasian lects. In the future, later versions will include lects spoken outside of Eurasia as well.

The database is available in this Github page, along with a manuscript explaining its building process and providing some descriptive visualizations.

ianjoo/Phonotacticon: Phonotacticon: A cross-linguistic database of basic phonotactic information.

May this database be of interest to many phonologists, typologists, and anyone else interested in the distribution of phonotactical patterns in the world.

From Hong Kong,

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