[Lingtyp] argument structure

David Gil gil at shh.mpg.de
Fri Aug 25 09:19:22 UTC 2023

Dear all,

Some additional data:  In my ongoing cross-linguistic Association 
Experiment, I tested 4 sentences of N V N structure to see if they 
permitted Pat V Ag interpretations, in (among others) three Sinitic 
varieties.  (Of these 4 sentences, 2 were semantically symmetric while 2 
were asymmetric.)  For each variety I tested approximately 30 subjects.  
The availability of such Pat V Ag interpretations was as follows:

Mandarin (Beijing): 8%

Cantonese (HK): 7%

Mandarin (overseas Chinese, Jakarta): 18%

What these results show is that while there is a strong disfavouring of 
Pat V Ag interpretations in such constructions, they are nevertheless 



On 23/08/2023 18:24, Chao Li wrote:
> Dear Randy,
> You have cited Y. R. Chao a few times and apparently you adopt the 
> position that Chinese can be sufficiently explained with the notions 
> of topic and comment. I do not think that anyone working on Chinese 
> would deny the importance of the notions of topic and comment in 
> describing and explaining the functioning of Chinese. Also, probably 
> no one working on Chinese would deny the fact that Chinese exhibits 
> flexibility in word order, as shown by the examples you cited in your 
> messages. However, IF your position is that Chinese (essentially) has 
> no argument structure or that word order has no place in Chinese 
> grammar, Jianming (as can be seen from his earlier discussion with 
> you), I, and very likely many others would think that this position is 
> too extreme. Word order (and argument structure) actually has an 
> important place in Chinese grammar. Otherwise, why (1) has to be 
> interpreted as "the cat is/was chasing the dog" (even though in the 
> real world cats are timid and it is more likely for a dog to chase a 
> cat than for a cat to chase a dog), why (2b) is odd or bad 
> (particularly when previous clauses in the same Chinese sentence, as 
> can be viewed by clicking on the link, remain unchanged), or why 'that 
> girl' in (3), not '(the) flower' or 'flowers' in the same sentence, 
> has to be understood as the entity that was consumed? All the three 
> examples contain a transitive verb and in spirit they are all of the 
> "N-V-N’" format.
> (1) Māo zài                  zhuī      gǒu.
>       cat   Progressive   chase   dog
>       'The cat is/was chasing the dog.'
> (2) a. ... wǒ  hē-le                   nà      bēi guǒzhī.
>               I     drink-Perfective  that    cup  juice
>           '...I drank that cup of juice.'  
> (https://cn.nytimes.com/style/20170209/the-stir-fried-tomatoes-and-eggs-my-chinese-mother-made/zh-hant/)
>     b. ??... nà     bēi    guǒzhī    hē-le         wǒ.
>                 that   cup   juice  drink-Perfective   I
> (3) Huā      chī-le                 nà      nǚhái. (name of a movie)
>      flower    eat-Perfective   that   girl
> Best regards,
> Chao
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:52 PM Randy LaPolla 
> <randy.lapolla at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Thanks Christian,
>     Chao’s point in using the analogy of the function in logic is just
>     to explain how the position of reference phrases in the clause is
>     not related to semantic role, as it is in English, so N-V-N’
>     (actually [Topic N]-[Comment V-N’]) can be almost any set of
>     semantic roles, depending only on contextual factors for their
>     interpretation, as long as the addressee can create a meaning from
>     it. The examples I gave are only a few of the possibilities. This
>     is also why he argued there is no passive/active distinction in
>     Chinese. It is a matter of inferring the direction of action from
>     the overall context/situation.
>     It is common now for us to assign roles to positions of arguments
>     of functions, but Chao was assuming (explicitly) that the order of
>     the arguments of the function does not influence the interpretation.
>     All the best,
>     Randy
>>     On 23 Aug 2023, at 9:44 AM, Christian Lehmann
>>     <christian.lehmann at uni-erfurt.de> wrote:
>>     Hi Randy,
>>     thanks for this report. There would be no point in criticizing
>>     Chao, doubtless an eminent grammarian. However, it does not seem
>>     that his use of the term 'argument' throws much light on Mandarin
>>     grammar. Given your examples, nothing, of course, prevents you
>>     from defining a function die(x, y) such that x is a being touched
>>     by the death and y is the dying being. You then get a
>>     multiplicity of functions die(v,w), where v and w play different
>>     roles. I am not sure that this use of the word 'argument' helps
>>     in understanding how the Chinese constructions work. - On the
>>     other hand, the analysis in terms of topic and comment seems to
>>     have gained foot in the literature. It does not seem to
>>     necessarily involve the function-argument analysis.
>>     Best, Christian
>>     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Am 22.08.2023 um 18:52 schrieb Randy J. LaPolla:
>>>     Hi Christian,
>>>     Y. R. Chao argued that the arguments in Chinese are like the
>>>     arguments of a mathematical function. He argued (1968:69-70)
>>>     that Chinese clause structure is simply topic and comment, and
>>>     “A corollary to the topic-comment nature of predication is that
>>>     the direction of action in an action verb in the predicate need
>>>     not go outward from subject to object.  Even in an N-V-N´
>>>     sequence, such as [gǒu yǎo rén (dog bite man)], it is not
>>>     always certain that the action goes outward from N to N´.”
>>>     (1968: 70).
>>>     Chao (1955, 1959) also argued that word order is not determined
>>>     by, and does not affect the interpretation of actor vs.
>>>     non-actor; he said the clause is analogous to a function in
>>>     logic: the argument is an argument of the function, and the
>>>     truth value is unaffected by its position in the clause (1959:254).
>>>     He used the terms “subject” for the topic and “object” for a
>>>     reference phrase (regardless of the semantic role of the
>>>     referent in the event), as in Chinese many sorts of semantic
>>>     roles can appear after the verb (e.g. 'I eat rice’, ‘I eat
>>>     restaurant’, 'I eat big bowl’,' I eat chopsticks’, 'this pot of
>>>     rice eats ten people (can feed ten people), ‘He died father’ =
>>>     'he suffered the event of his father dying’,' fall rain CHANGE
>>>     OF STATE’ = It is raining’. In all of these cases he would call
>>>     the postverbal reference phrase the “object”.
>>>     Chao Yuen Ren. 1955[1976]. Notes on Chinese grammar and logic.
>>>     In /Aspects of Chinese sociolinguistics: Essays by Yuen Ren
>>>     Chao,/ Anwar S. Dil (ed.), 237-249. Stanford: Stanford
>>>     University Press.
>>>     Chao Yuen Ren. 1959[1976]. How Chinese logic operates.
>>>     In/Aspects of Chinese sociolinguistics: Essays by Yuen Ren
>>>     Chao,/Anwar S. Dil (ed.), 250 259. Stanford: Stanford University
>>>     Press.
>>>     Chao Yuen Ren. 1968. /A grammar of spoken Chinese/. Berkeley/Los
>>>     Angeles: University of California Press.
>>>     All the best,
>>>     Randy
>>>     ——
>>>     Professor Randy J. LaPolla(罗仁地), PhD FAHA
>>>     Center for Language Sciences
>>>     Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
>>>     Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai
>>>     A302, Muduo Building, #18 Jinfeng Road, Zhuhai City, Guangdong,
>>>     China
>>>     https://randylapolla.info
>>>     ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6100-6196
>>>     邮编:519087
>>>     广东省珠海市唐家湾镇金凤路18号木铎楼A302
>>>     北京师范大学珠海校区
>>>     人文和社会科学高等研究院
>>>     语言科学研究中心
>>>>     On 22 Aug 2023, at 11:19 PM, Christian Lehmann
>>>>     <christian.lehmann at uni-erfurt.de>
>>>>     <mailto:christian.lehmann at uni-erfurt.de> wrote:
>>>>     I am sure that what I am about to do here is completely
>>>>     inappropriate on this list. In the interest of improving
>>>>     communication among us, allow me nevertheless to use the
>>>>     message by Hans Götzsche as support: If you think you need to
>>>>     use the (mathematical and logical) term 'argument' in a context
>>>>     dealing with grammar, then please at least make it  clear
>>>>     whether an argument occupies a role in semantic relationality
>>>>     or a syntactic function in valency. Just one example: English
>>>>     /dine/ has two semantic roles, the eater and the thing eaten
>>>>     (which may be called, i.a., agent and patient). It has one
>>>>     dependent controlled by its valency, taking the form of a
>>>>     subject and representing the eater. How many arguments does it
>>>>     have?
>>>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>     Am 21.08.2023 um 08:03 schrieb Hans Götzsche:
>>>>>     Begin forwarded message:
>>>>>>     *From: *Hans Götzsche <goetzsche at ikp.aau.dk>
>>>>>>     <mailto:goetzsche at ikp.aau.dk>
>>>>>>     *Subject: **Re: [Lingtyp] argument structure*
>>>>>>     *Date: *21 August 2023 at 15.44.46 CEST
>>>>>>     *To: *Vladimir Panov <panovmeister at gmail.com>
>>>>>>     <mailto:panovmeister at gmail.com>
>>>>>>     Dear Vladimir,
>>>>>>     allow me a late comment. I have no remarks on Christian
>>>>>>     Lehman’s comment, so I shall only mention that the notion of
>>>>>>     ‘argument’ in theoretical linguistics has, to my knowledge,
>>>>>>     ‘slipped through the back door’, via formal approaches, from
>>>>>>     mathematics, presumably 1865 (see *), and later computation
>>>>>>     theory; meaning
>>>>>>     An independent variable of a function.
>>>>>>     I first encountered the technical use of the word /argument/
>>>>>>     at my ‘first course in formal logic’ (many years ago), and
>>>>>>     the use of the term in linguistics is one of the reasons why
>>>>>>     I decided to develop ‘my own’ nomenclature in formal syntax.
>>>>>>     As is well known the way we, as linguists, use the myriad of
>>>>>>     technical terms depends on what club (guild, brotherhood, you
>>>>>>     choose) we are members of, and taken as a set of words
>>>>>>     covering all bits and pieces of (by some called) “the
>>>>>>     language sciences” the set is full of inconsistences, and
>>>>>>     sometimes contradictions. Thus, it is not quite true that “we
>>>>>>     all use the term “argument structure””, and I only use the
>>>>>>     word /argument/ in the context of formal logic. The aim of my
>>>>>>     development mentioned above, which was published in
>>>>>>     *Deviational Syntactic Structures*†
>>>>>>     was to establish a nomenclature that was both consistent and
>>>>>>     would be able to cover all language domains, from speech
>>>>>>     sounds to semantics (but, so far, not pragmatics; which I
>>>>>>     prefer to see as a matter of cultural codifications). This
>>>>>>     was in line with the well known and acknowledged Danish
>>>>>>     tradition in Theoretical Linguistics (some scholars remember
>>>>>>     Rasmus Rask and Karl Verner, to name a few) and it was based
>>>>>>     on ideas by Otto Jespersen and Louis Hjelmslev – as for the
>>>>>>     formal systems – and the empirical achievements of the
>>>>>>     grammarian Paul Diderichsen. My suggestions were not all
>>>>>>     cheered by Danish linguistists, but the formal system –
>>>>>>     comparable to, e.g., Montague grammar – was the first and
>>>>>>     only amalgamation of Hjelmslev’s /Glossematics/ and the
>>>>>>     descriptive tradition of Danish syntax.
>>>>>>     I once read a ‘Dear Sir’ letter to a Danish newspaper in
>>>>>>     which the writer offered the opinion (in translation): “why
>>>>>>     don’t everybody use words the way I do; it would make
>>>>>>     everything much easier”. But, of course, adopting such a view
>>>>>>     would be impertinent.
>>>>>>     Best wishes,
>>>>>>     Hans Götzsche (MA,PhD)
>>>>>>     /Former President, NAL/
>>>>>>     /Nordic Association of Linguists/
>>>>>>     Emeritus Associate Professor
>>>>>>     Director, Center for Linguistics
>>>>>>     Aalborg University
>>>>>>     Rendsburggade 14
>>>>>>     9000 Aalborg
>>>>>>     DENMARK
>>>>>>     goetzsche at ikp.aau.dk
>>>>>>     www.cfl.hum.aau <http://www.cfl.hum.aau/>
>>>>>>     Dr Hans Goetzsche
>>>>>>     Emerito Professore Universitario
>>>>>>     Via S. Apollinare 19,2
>>>>>>     36063 Marostica (VI)
>>>>>>     ITALIA
>>>>>>     *https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/144141/what-is-the-sense-of-using-word-argument-for-inputs-of-a-function
>>>>>>     terminology - What is the sense of using word "argument", for
>>>>>>     inputs of a function? - English Language & Usage Stack
>>>>>>     Exchange<https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/144141/what-is-the-sense-of-using-word-argument-for-inputs-of-a-function>
>>>>>>>>>>>>     https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/deviational-syntactic-structures-9781472587961/
>>>>>>     <https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/deviational-syntactic-structures-9781472587961/>
>>>>>>>     On 19 Aug 2023, at 12.11, Vladimir Panov
>>>>>>>     <panovmeister at gmail.com> <mailto:panovmeister at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>     Dear colleagues,
>>>>>>>     I have a very general question to you. We all use the term
>>>>>>>     "argument structure" and we are used to semantic labels like
>>>>>>>     A, S or P or syntactic labels like subject, direct and
>>>>>>>     indirect object. Many linguistis, especially those adhering
>>>>>>>     to "formal" approaches, would argue that there are also
>>>>>>>     adjuncts which are not arguments.
>>>>>>>     Is anybody aware of any attempts to seriously challenge the
>>>>>>>     adequacy of the very notion of "arguments" in general? After
>>>>>>>     all, ir seems that there are languages which do not encode
>>>>>>>     or encode little the "roles" of named entities (noun
>>>>>>>     phrases, pronouns etc.) anywhere in utterance, especially in
>>>>>>>     colloquial language, or encode entities like the addressee
>>>>>>>     rather than the agent or the patient. My intuition tells me
>>>>>>>     that there might be such critical works in the traditions of
>>>>>>>     usage-based linguistics, interactional linguistics,
>>>>>>>     conversation analysis or linguistic anthropology but I have
>>>>>>>     found very little. Actually, I've only discovered the very
>>>>>>>     recent Heine's book in which he argues for a broader
>>>>>>>     understanding of argument structure which includes speech
>>>>>>>     situation participants - a very interestinng view. So am
>>>>>>>     looking for more research in this spirit.
>>>>>>>     I'm sorry if it sounds a bit confusing but if anything like
>>>>>>>     that comes to you mind I'll be happy if you can share it.
>>>>>>>     Best,
>>>>>>>     Vladimir Panov
>>>>>>>     /I condemn the Russian agression in Ukraine/
>>>>>>>     _______________________________________________
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>>>>     -- 
>>>>     Prof. em. Dr. Christian Lehmann
>>>>     Rudolfstr. 4
>>>>     99092 Erfurt
>>>>     Deutschland
>>>>     Tel.: 	+49/361/2113417
>>>>     E-Post: 	christianw_lehmann at arcor.de
>>>>     Web: 	https://www.christianlehmann.eu
>>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>>     Lingtyp mailing list
>>>>     Lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org
>>>>     https://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lingtyp
>>     -- 
>>     Prof. em. Dr. Christian Lehmann
>>     Rudolfstr. 4
>>     99092 Erfurt
>>     Deutschland
>>     Tel.: 	+49/361/2113417
>>     E-Post: 	christianw_lehmann at arcor.de
>>     Web: 	https://www.christianlehmann.eu
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David Gil

Senior Scientist (Associate)
Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, Leipzig, 04103, Germany

Email:gil at shh.mpg.de
Mobile Phone (Israel): +972-526117713
Mobile Phone (Indonesia): +62-082113720302
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