[Lingtyp] REQUEST

Jocelyn Aznar contact at jocelynaznar.eu
Wed Dec 13 07:35:05 UTC 2023

Well, I cannot imagine just echoing the verb in French for a yes/no 
answer. If I were to do it, either there would be a gesture marking the 
yes or no, then no problem, or it would be quite marked, and it would do 
something else than answering the yes/no question.


Le 13/12/2023 à 01:27, Ilana Mushin a écrit :
> I agree with Paul Hopper here. I’d be surprised if there was a language 
> where you COULDN’T express affirmation by repetition. There’s work in 
> Conversation Analysis that suggests this. Tanya Stivers (2023) ‘The Book 
> of Answers’ OUP would be a good starting point.
> I was just yesterday transcribing some Garrwa (Northern Australian, 
> non-Pama-Nyungan) conversations, and came across affirmative repetition 
> answers in the 5 minutes or so that I transcribed.
> Ilana
> -- 
> Ilana Mushin FAHA
> Professor of Linguistics
> Deputy Head of School
> Linguistics Major Convener
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> *I acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal peoples on whose land I live and 
> work. Their sovereignty was never ceded.*
> *From: *Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of 
> Peter Arkadiev <peterarkadiev at yandex.ru>
> *Date: *Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 1:24 am
> *To: *Paul Hopper <hopper at cmu.edu>, Edoardo Nardi <e.nardi at unimarconi.it>
> *Cc: *lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Lingtyp] REQUEST
> Dear All,
> I am wondering if Anders Holmberg's 2016 book "The Syntax of Yes and No" 
> (OUP) might be relevant for this discussion.
> Best regards,
> Peter
> 12.12.2023, 17:39, "Paul Hopper" <hopper at cmu.edu>:
>     An alternative formulation might be: which languages have particles
>     that are specialized for affirmative or negative responses such as
>     yes and no, and how common is this once areal phenomena are included.
>     Paul
>     On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 7:17 AM Edoardo Nardi <e.nardi at unimarconi.it
>     <mailto:e.nardi at unimarconi.it>> wrote:
>         Dear Fang,
>         In Italian, at least in the north-eastern Tuscany varieties
>         (i.e. Florence and neighboring areas), we have that kind of
>         construction, though not particularly frequent and characterize
>         by the following features:
>         - pragmatically marked meaning (simple emphasis);
>         - usually, specific prosody;
>         - usually, repetition of the verb.
>         For example:
>         Question: /Che _mangia_ i’ figliolo?/ ‘is the child _eating_?’
>         (lit. ‘that _eats_ the child?’)
>         Answer: /mangia (mangia)/ (lit. ‘eats, eats’) = ‘yes (indeed)’
>         I would say that it is possible in Florentine, but only under
>         the mentioned specific conditions; that is, it is not a
>         “standard” construction.
>         Hope this helps!
>         Best wishes,
>         Edoardo Nardi, Ph.D.
>         Professor of Linguistics and Ancient Greek Language
>         Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (Rome)
>         e.nardi at unimarconi.it <mailto:e.nardi at unimarconi.it>
>             Il giorno 12 dic 2023, alle ore 12:52, Hongmei Fang
>             <hongmei.fang01 at gmail.com <mailto:hongmei.fang01 at gmail.com>>
>             ha scritto:
>             Please distribute the following message. Thanks!
>             Dear all,
>             I am investigating echo answers, i.e. answers that repeat a
>             fragment part of the polar question that they are responding
>             to. In the following example from Finnish the verb from the
>             question is repeated to mean 'yes'.
>             Question: /Osaa-ko Liisa  puhua   ranskaa?/
>                               Can-Q   Liisa  speak    French
>                               ‘Can Liisa speak French?’
>             Answer: /Osaa/
>                                can
>                                ‘Yes.’
>             I am looking for specialists and/or native speakers of
>             languages exhibiting this phenomenon who are willing to
>             provide information.
>             I have collected data on some languages such as Finnish,
>             Russian, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Thai, etc. I am
>             expecting more.
>             Examples of other languages which have been reported to have
>             echo answers are:
>             Aguaruna, Atong, Bandial, Bunaq, Chaha, Chickasaw, Chol,
>             Evenki, Garifuna, Georgian, Gwa, Harari, Hindi, Hixkaryana,
>             Hup, Imbabura Quechua, Kannada, Kobon, Latin, Malayalam,
>             Marathi, Mauwake, Mualang, Rapanui, Semelai, Tamil,
>             Tigrinya, Vietnamese, West Greenlandic, Wai Wai, Wari, Yeli
>             Dnye, Yuyuca.
>             But if your language is not in this list but does exhibit
>             echo answers, I would be equally interested.
>             Thanking you in advance for your reactions, which you can
>             send to the email address below:
>             h.m.fang at uva.nl <mailto:h.m.fang at uva.nl>
>             Best regards,
>             Hongmei Fang
>             /Postdoctoral researcher//
>             /University of Amsterdam/
>             /Spuistraat 210, 1012 VB/
>             /Amsterdam, The Netherlands//
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>     -- 
>     __________
>     Paul J. Hopper
>     Paul Mellon Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Humanities
>     Department of English
>     Dietrich College of Humanities & Social Sciences
>     Carnegie Mellon University
>     Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA
>     ,
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> -- 
> Peter Arkadiev, PhD Habil.
> https://peterarkadiev.github.io/
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