[Lingtyp] Post-doc position on nominal copular clauses (Bielefeld University)

András Bárány andras.barany at uni-bielefeld.de
Mon Dec 18 08:08:02 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I'm forwarding a job announcement from Jutta Hartmann for a post-doc position
at Bielefeld University, in a project headed by Jutta Hartmann and Caroline

The "General Linguistics" Group at Bielefeld University has the following job

Research position (Postdoc) in project on nominal copular clauses

Specialty Areas: Syntax; Syntax-Information-Structure Interface; Experimental
Syntax; Fieldwork;

Description: The position is part of the DFG-AHRC funded project on "The syntax
of nominal copular clauses: theoretical and empirical perspectives" (Principal
Investigators (PI), Jutta M. Hartmann, Bielefeld University, Caroline Heycock,
The University of Edinburgh). The work in the project is carried out both
independently and in cooperation and consultation with the German PI and the
other project members. The main task is linguistic research on copular clauses
concentrating on the syntax, focus structure and agreement pattern of copular
clauses, with a focus on a language not covered by the PIs and Co-Is (i. e. not
Germanic or Romance) ideally non-indo-European.

 * Intended starting date:  as soon as possible
 * Position: full time position,  fixed-term (3 years)
 * Application deadline: January 12, 2024
 * More information on the project:
 * Details on the position and application procedures:
 * Contact: Jutta M. Hartmann (Bielefeld University),
   jutta-maria.hartmann at uni-bielefeld.de

All the best,


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