[Lingtyp] Temporal 'since' constructions

Jesus Francisco Olguin Martinez olguinmartinez at ucsb.edu
Wed Jun 28 19:19:09 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well.

I've been reading about temporal 'since' constructions (*We have been
friends since we met at school*; *It has been raining since last week*).

The following papers have been very helpful:

Brée, David S. 1985. The durative temporal subordinating conjunctions:
*Since* and *until*. Journal of Semantics 4.1-46.
Duffley Patrick & Gabrielle Morin. 2022. It’s been a while since I’ve been
to church: The use of the present perfect after the conjunction *since*.
Australian Linguitics Society. 1-22.
Fagard, Benjamin. 2007. De puis à depuis: Préfixation et évolution
sémantique. In Bernard Combettes & Christiane Marchello-Nizia (eds.), *Études
sur le changement linguistique du français*, 129-143. Nancy: Presses
Universitaires de Nancy.
Fryd, Marc. 2011. Since when is the present tense ruled out with
SINCE! *Groninger
Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik* 53. 89-103.
Fuchs, Robert. 2016. The frequency of the present perfect in varieties of
English around the world. In Valentin Werner, Elena S. Valentin, & Cristina
Suárez-Gómez (eds.), *Re-assessing the present perfect in English: Corpus
studies and beyond*, 223-258. Mouton de Gruyter.
Genis, René. 2020. Temporal ‘since’ in Polish: Conjunctions & tense-aspect
constellations. In Egbert Fortuin, Peter Houtzagers, & Janneke Kalsbeek
(eds.), *Dutch Contributions to the Sixteenth International Congress of
Slavists*, 120-156. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics.
Guillaume, Bénédicte. 2012. From ambiguity to deceptiveness: The case of
hybrid *since*- subordinates in English. E-rea. 9.2.
Guillaume, Bénédicte. 2014. A corpus-based study of *since* clauses in
contemporary English. Toulouse: PU du Mirail.
Heinämäki, Orvokki. 1978. *Semantics of English temporal connectives*.
Indiana University Linguistics Club.
Kyselica, Paula & René Genis. 2019.Temporal ‘since’ in Slovak:
Conjunction(s) and aspect choice–A corpus study. *Jazykovedný casopis* 70.
Law, James. 2018. Conceptualizations of time in French *depuis* ‘since,
for’ constructions. *Cognitive Linguistics* 29. 163-195.
Nedjalkov, Igor’ V. 1998. Converbs in the languages of Europe. In Johan van
der Auwera (ed.), *Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe*,
421-456. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
von Fintel, Kai & Sabine Iatridou. 2019. Since. In Daniel Altshuler &
Jessica Rett (eds.), *The semantics of plurals, focus, degrees, and times:
Essays in honor of Roger Schwarzschild*, 305-333. Springer.
Werner, Valentin. 2013. Temporal adverbials and the present perfect/past
tense alternation. *English World-Wide *34. 202-240.

I was wondering if there are any papers of temporal 'since' constructions I
am not including here. Any readings would be greatly appreciated.


Jesús Olguín Martínez

Olguín Martínez, Jesús. 2022. *Temporal adverbial clauses in the languages
of the world: Clause-linking strategies*. Ph.D. dissertation, University of
California, Santa Barbara.

Recent publications:
Olguín Martínez, Jesús. 2023. A typological study of tail-head linkage
constructions.  In *Discourse phenomena in typological perspective*,
Barotto and Simone Mattiola (eds.), 403-432. John Benjamins: Studies in
Language Companian Series.
Olguín Martínez, Jesús & Manuel Peregrina Llanes. 2022. ‘Without V-ing’
clauses: Clausal negative concomitance in typological perspective. *Folia
Linguistica*. *Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae* published online
December 2022.
Olguín Martínez, Jesús & Alonso Vásquez. 2022. The contribution of
Amazonian languages to the typology of purpose clauses. *LIAMES: Línguas
Indígenas Americanas* 22. 1-21
Olguín Martínez, Jesús. 2022. Contact-induced language change: The case of
Mixtec adverbial clauses. *Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of
Languages, Contact and Discourse* 15. 1-70.
Olguín Martínez, Jesús & Nicholas Lester.  2021. A quantitative analysis of
counterfactual conditionals in the world’s languages. *Italian Journal of
Linguistics 33*. 147-182.
Olguín Martínez, Jesús. 2021. ‘As if’ constructions in world-wide
perspective. *Journal Linguistic typology at the crossroads* 1. 2-33.
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