[Lingtyp] The purpose of convergence and divergence?

Jess Tauber tetrahedralpt at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 18:46:29 UTC 2023

I've had to deal with this sort of thing in the abstract as I analyze the
phonosemantics of individual segments in ideophones in natural languages.
For example, in Korean ideophones with initial /m-/, there is a strong
sense of 'homogenization' in such a way that any distinguishing features
(primarily on the surface of the object being described) are being lost or
equilibrated. It is as if the parts are coupling together into a larger
whole, and divergences are being minimized.

Jess Tauber


On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 2:33 PM Ian Joo <ian_joo at nucba.ac.jp> wrote:

> Dear Typologists,
> I would appreciate it if you could point to me the literature discussing
> the purpose of linguistic convergence and divergence.
> Do they happen simply because they happen - or do they serve any purpose?
> Do they bring any benefit?
> For example if my lect changes based on to what my neighbors are speaking,
> it's an interesting phenomenon, but what good does it do? Does it make me
> more suitable as a neighbor? Does it make it more easier for me to learn
> their (dominant) lect? Does it facilitate code-switching?
> Same about divergence - if a group that split away from a bigger group
> changes their lect in a divergent manner, then what benefit does it bring?
> Does it solidate their group identity? Does it help to identify an in-group
> member?
> These questions have been stuck in my head for quite a long time now and I
> would be grateful if you could provide me previous insights on such
> questions.
> From the Netherlands,
> Ian
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