[Lingtyp] Two Doctoral Positions (4 years) within collaborative research project ULiège (Belgium)

Van Linden An An.Vanlinden at uliege.be
Mon May 15 21:54:23 UTC 2023

Dear all,

The Centre for Linguistics of the research unit Lilith and the Department of Modern Languages of the University of Liège (Belgium) are looking for applicants for two fully funded four-year PhD fellowships, one in linguistic typology and one in Dutch diachronic corpus linguistics.

The PhD projects are part of the collaborative research project "Grammar from Space - How spatial elements become applicatives", funded by the Liège Research Council. The Grammar from Space project will investigate how elements with spatial meaning develop into applicative markers, from a typological and Germanic perspective, with extensions into applied research, viz. translation studies.  The project team consists of Lieselotte Brems, Isa Hendrikx, Julien Perrez and An Van linden, as well as three postdoctoral fellows. Two positions for doctoral students are currently available within the project.

Application deadline: 20 June 2023

You will find more information on the following links:
PhD position in linguistic typology: https://dox.uliege.be/index.php/s/89ycZSUk0YQlM9k
PhD position in Dutch diachronic corpus linguistics: https://dox.uliege.be/index.php/s/WSa9N7Lw0jmt8O6

An Van linden
An Van linden<https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_9054334/en/directory?uid=u226091>
Associate professor of English language and linguistics
Department of Modern Languages: Linguistics, Literature & Translation
University of Liège
Place Cockerill 3 - 5, 4000 Liège, Belgium

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