[Lingtyp] Syntax of the World’s Languages IX in Lima Peru (July, 23-26th 2024)

Roberto Zariquiey rzariquiey at pucp.edu.pe
Wed Nov 22 00:40:27 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues:

After a long hiatus, we are very happy to share with you all the call for papers for the ninth Syntax of the World’s languages, which will take place in Lima (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) between July 23th and 26th 2024. We apologize for the long delay in making this wonderful conference happen, and we promise to give all you all a great time in Lima if you come over. Great linguistics and great food are guaranteed. 

The information about abstract and workshop submissions is pasted below and attached as a pdf file. Please, spread the good news!



Call for papers
Syntax of the World’s Languages (SWL IX)
July, 23-26th 2024
Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) 

The ninth Syntax of the World's Languages conference will take place in Lima, Peru, between July 23-26th 2024, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). In the same spirit as previous conferences in thisseries (SWL I, Leipzig 2004; SWL II, Lancaster 2006; SWL III, Berlin 2008; SWL IV, Lyon 2010; SWL V, Dubrovnik 2012; SWL VI, Pavia 2014; SWL VII, Mexico City 2016; SWL VIII, Paris 2018), SWL IX will provide a forum for linguists working on the syntax of less widely studied languages from a variety of perspectives.

The main purpose of the SWL conference series is to enlarge our knowledge and understanding of syntactic diversity. Contributions are expected to be based on first-hand data of individual languages or to adopt a broadly comparative perspective. The discussion of theoretical issues is appreciated to the extent that it helps elucidate the data and is understandable without prior knowledge of the relevant theory. All theoretical frameworks are equally welcome. Papers that adopt a diachronic or comparative perspective are also welcome, as are papers dealing with morphological or semantic issues, as long as syntactic issues also play a role.

We welcome submissions for 20 minute talks, which will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Anonymous abstracts in .pdf format of no more than 1 page (plus possibly an additional page for examples and references) should be submitted electronically via the EasyAbs website (https://easyabs.linguistlist.org/conference/SWL_IX). Abstracts must be written in English, with fully glossed examples conforming to the Leipzig glossing rules. Please romanize all Asian texts, and do not use Asian character fonts unless absolutely required. The deadline for all abstract submissions is Jan-31 2024.

Each individual may submit up to one single authored contribution and one co-authored/joint contribution. We will also offer slots for posters, if you would like your paper to be considered for a poster slot, please indicate so during your submission. The conference will reserve some space for workshops. If you are interested in organizing a workshop, please, contact us with a 2-page proposal before Dec-31, 2023.

Conference location
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú 
Important dates
Deadline for submission of workshop proposals: Dec-31 2023
Deadline for submission of abstracts: Jan-31 2024
Notification of acceptance: March-15 2024
Conference: July, 23-26th 2024 

Keynote speakers
Nicholas Evans (Australian National University)
Russell Gray (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Pilar Valenzuela (Chapman University) 

Conference email address (for general questions): swl9.pucp at gmail.com <mailto:swl9.pucp at gmail.com>

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