[Lingtyp] Indexes fossilizing

Siva Kalyan sivakalyan.princeton at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 12:11:37 UTC 2023

If this phenomenon does exist, I suspect the most likely source construction would be “impersonal” argument indexes, such as Classical Nāhuatl tla- (e.g. ihtoa ‘say’ > tlahtoa ‘speak’); see https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/tla for examples and references.


> On 30 Nov 2023, at 9:29 pm, Juergen Bohnemeyer <jb77 at buffalo.edu> wrote:
> Dear all – I’m passing along the following query from one of my advisees, Jose Antonio Jodar Sánchez:
> “I have been looking for references which talk about pronominal affixes on verbs which have become fossilized and are now part of the verb root. I checked Anna Siewierska’s book on person but I could not find anything. Do you know of any?”
> Presumably, what Jose Antonio’s is looking for is above all citable treatments. However, if the phenomenon hasn’t been dealt with exhaustively (which it may not), I’m sure examples will be helpful as well.
> Thanks! – Juergen
> Juergen Bohnemeyer (He/Him)
> Professor, Department of Linguistics
> University at Buffalo 
> Office: 642 Baldy Hall, UB North Campus
> Mailing address: 609 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 
> Phone: (716) 645 0127 
> Fax: (716) 645 3825
> Email: jb77 at buffalo.edu <mailto:jb77 at buffalo.edu>
> Web: http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~jb77/ 
> Office hours Tu/Th 3:30-4:30pm in 642 Baldy or via Zoom (Meeting ID 585 520 2411; Passcode Hoorheh) 
> There’s A Crack In Everything - That’s How The Light Gets In 
> (Leonard Cohen)  
> -- 
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