[Lingtyp] tools for calculating morpheme to word ratios

Ian Joo ian_joo at nucba.ac.jp
Wed Oct 25 23:15:28 UTC 2023

Dear Alex,

this would be so lect-specific that it’s hard to imagine that there would be one R package that does this for all lects. (Correct me if I’m wrong)
I don’t know much about Quechuan morphology, but assuming that orthographic spaces express wordhood, wouldn’t str_split_fixed() and grepl() simply do the job?

From Japan,

- - - - -
JOO, IAN 朱易安
Lecturer 助教
Faculty of International Studies 国際学部
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business 名古屋商科大学
Nisshin, Aichi, Japan 愛知県日進市
- - - - -

> 26/10/2023 오전 6:46, Alexander Rice <ax.h.rice at gmail.com> 작성:
> Howdy folks
> I'm interested in finding average morphemes per word in a Quechuan language I'm working on. I'd be looking at overall average morphemes per word, nouns vs. verbs, etc.
> I'm wondering if there are software tools or R scripts out there for doing this kind of thing. I could do it myself from scratch in R, but why reinvent the wheel if you don't need to?
> Any links or references to resources/guides, pointers, advice, etc. is most appreciated.
> best,
> --Alex
> --
> Alexander Rice, (he, him, his) <https://www.su.ualberta.ca/services/thelanding/learn/pronouns/>, PhD Candidate
> Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta
> 3-27 Assiniboia Hall
> https://sites.google.com/view/arice
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