[Lingtyp] Talk series: GLOWing lectures

András Bárány andras.barany at uni-bielefeld.de
Mon Oct 30 13:47:57 UTC 2023

Dear all,

GLOW, an organisation dedicated to generative linguistics, has recently
inaugurated a new online series of talks called “GLOWing lectures”, hosted on
Zoom and available for streaming on YouTube.


These talks are intended to be exciting, inspiring, educational, and accessible
across subfields of linguistics and there will be two broad categories:

- What should should know about subfield X? These lectures teach professionals
  from other generative subfields important tools and technologies of one

- What is exciting in subfield X? These lectures provide significant
  discoveries and results from one subfield.

Both types of GLOWing lectures are aimed at inspiring further engagement within
the subfield of the lecture and/or create discussions across subfields.

In 2023 and 2024, GLOW will host talks in morphology, phonology, semantics, and
syntax on the following dates:

December 15 2023 (14:00 CET): Charles Reiss on phonology
March 15 2024 (15:00 CET): Viola Schmitt on semantics
May 16 2024 (14:00 CET): David Adger on syntax

The first talk in the series, Laura Kalin's lecture on morphology, was a great
success and is available on YouTube (see link above and repeated below).

All this and more information is available at:


It would be great to engage the wider linguistics community in this lecture
series as well.

All the best,


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