[Lingtyp] comparative concept of "listeme"?

Adam James Ross Tallman ajrtallman at utexas.edu
Sun Sep 17 16:29:08 UTC 2023

Hello all,

I was wondering whether anyone had proposed, written about or even just
thought of a comparative concept of the "listeme" (the term comes from
Pinker's "Words and Rules", I think, but I seemed to have just picked it up
in grad school without inquiring about where it came from).

I'm trying to mark up multimorphemic lexical entries in my database with
whether they are listemes. Sometimes I don't know whether the form should
be a listeme or not, because "memorized chunk" does not translate into a
single criterion for identification. Does anyone else have experience
coding listemes in databases in a similar fashion? Has anyone proposed a
listeme comparative concept?



Adam J.R. Tallman
Post-doctoral Researcher
Friedrich Schiller Universität
Department of English Studies
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