[Lingtyp] Roman Jakobson on Shifters

TasakuTsunoda tasakutsunoda at nifty.com
Sat Apr 13 06:38:45 UTC 2024


Dear Colleagues,


    Re: Roman Jakobson on shifters


    Would you please help me?

    Would you have an electronic version of the following work?


Jakobson, Roman. 1957. Shifters, verbal categories, and the Russian verb. Massachusetts: Russian Language Project, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University (or Harvard University Press?).


Jakobson, Roman. 1971. Shifters, verbal categories, and the Russian verb. In Selected writings of Roman Jakobson, Volume 2, pp. 130–147. The Hague: Mouton.


Best wishes and thanking you in advance,


Tasaku Tsunoda


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