[Lingtyp] Labialization in complex onset

Ian Joo ian_joo at nucba.ac.jp
Thu Jan 11 04:41:56 UTC 2024

p. s. I will add another condition: A language where labialization is not contrastive. For example, a language that does not contrast /CʷCu/ and /CCu/.


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JOO, IAN 朱易安
Lecturer 助教
Faculty of International Studies 国際学部
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business 名古屋商科大学
Nisshin, Aichi, Japan 愛知県日進市
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> 11/1/2024 오후 1:31, Ian Joo <ian_joo at nucba.ac.jp> 작성:
> Dear typologists,
> is there a language such that in a biconsonantal onset where neither segment involves labial articulation (such as /sk-/) followed by a rounded vowel (such as /u/), the lip rounding articulation cannot start from the first onset segment and must start from the second onset segment? For example, /sku/ where the lip rounding starts only at /k/ and cannot start at /s/?
> Regards,
> Ian
> - - - - -
> JOO, IAN 朱易安
> Lecturer 助教
> Faculty of International Studies 国際学部
> Nagoya University of Commerce and Business 名古屋商科大学
> Nisshin, Aichi, Japan 愛知県日進市
> https://ianjoo.github.io
> - - - - -

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