[Lingtyp] Evaluative morphology expressing "authenticity/prototypicality"

Francesca Masini francesca.masini at unibo.it
Tue Jul 9 17:08:24 UTC 2024

Dear Lingtyp community,

I’m looking for examples of evaluative word-formation processes (affixation, compounding, reduplication, etc.) conveying “authenticity/prototypicality” (Grandi & Körtvélyessy 2015: 11). Some relevant examples would be:

Kwaza (van der Voort 2015: 608)
‘real canoe’

Warlpiri (Bowler 2015: 439)
‘poisonous snake’ [“[i]n central Australia, the characteristic of being poisonous or dangerous is a highly salient feature of many indigenous snakes”]

Kikuyu (Komu 2008: 50; quoted in Mattiola & Barotto 2023: 150)
irio > irioirio
‘food’ > ‘real food (not junk food)’

I would be extremely grateful for your help!



Bowler, Margit. 2015. Warlpiri. In Nicola Grandi & Livia Körtvelyessy (eds.), The Edinburgh handbook of evaluative morphology, 438–447. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Grandi, Nicola & Lívia Körtvelyessy. 2015. Introduction: Why evaluative morphology? In Nicola Grandi & Lívia Körtvelyessy (Eds.), The Edinburgh handbook of evaluative morphology, 3-20. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Komu, Mary W. 2008. An analysis of Gikuyu reduplication in the light of prosodic morphological approach. Nairobi: Kenyatta University MA thesis.

Mattiola, Simone & Alessandra Barotto. 2023. Nominal reduplication in cross-linguistic perspective. From PLURALITY to CHANGE OF REFERENTS’ SPECIFICITY. Studies in Language 47(1). 135–189.

van der Voort, Hein. 2015. Kwaza. In Nicola Grandi& Livia Körtvelyessy (eds.), The Edinburgh handbook of evaluative morphology, 606–615. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

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Prof. Francesca Masini
Rector’s Delegate for Open Science and Research Data
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne (LILEC)
Via Cartoleria 5, 40124 Bologna
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Editor-in-chief of Constructions and Frames<https://benjamins.com/catalog/cf>

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