[Lingtyp] Survey on, Sound Change

Johann-Mattis List mattis.list at lingpy.org
Tue Mar 5 20:55:37 UTC 2024

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to participate in a short ~5 minute survey on sound 
change. We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers interested in 
understanding the current views of prominent scholars on the process of 
sound change. To better understand views that may be commonly held but 
rarely written down, we have created a short ~5 minute survey aimed at 
targeting several long-standing debates in our field. Should you choose 
to provide additional explanation in optional text boxes, the survey may 
take a few minutes longer.

Your responses will help develop an understanding of how common 
different positions are regarding these major debates, how much 
disagreement exists, and what factors predict respondents’ positions on 
specific issues.

To reach a wide range of scholars, thus covering the diverse opinions 
across our field, we are forwarding an invitation to participate in our 
research through this server list so that anyone who wishes to can 
decide to participate. The survey contains both fixed responses and open 
responses that allow you to express your views in more detail if you 
wish. Should you decide to participate, as a thank you for your time, 
you can go in the draw to win one of 10 $50 Amazon gift vouchers.
You are welcome to request a summary of our findings by emailing 
q.atkinson at auckland.ac.nz.

To participate, follow this link to the survey: 

Please feel free to forward this email on to colleagues who may also be 
interested in participating.

Thanks! If you have any questions or issues with the survey, please 
contact our staff at q.atkinson at auckland.ac.nz.

Best wishes to all,

Quentin Atkinson
Remco Bouckaert
Jordan Douglas
Russell Gray
Mattis List
Mary Walworth

Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics 
Committee on 10/10/2023 for three years. Reference Number: UAHPEC26714.

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