[Lingtyp] Know of any typological work on the lexico-semantics of words for 'language' cross-linguistically?

Paolo Ramat paoram at unipv.it
Thu May 2 10:05:14 UTC 2024

Hi Ruth,
here some references to a long tradition of Italian studies on language

* In SILVESTRI D. (a cura di) *I termini per le lingue e per le attività
linguistiche "*AION" 27 (2007), 227-253.: IL LESSICO LOGONIMICO
PRIMI RISULTATI Antonietta *Marra *(Università di Cagliari) Gabriele *Pallotti
*(Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
* Cristina Vallini[image: image.png]
Le parole per le parole. I logonimi nelle lingue e nel metalinguaggio.
C Vallini
(ed.). Il Calamo, Roma 2000.

 *Marra — Silvestri, D., 2000, “Logos e logonimi”, in Vallini (a cura di),
pp. 21-37.
 ** G.URRACI*: Univ. Ca' Foscari, Venezia:  Tesi di Ricerca* Parole e
storia* La Linguistica italiana raccontata attraverso l’evoluzione del suo
lessico. Coordinatore del Dottorato ch. prof. Tiziano Zanato Supervisore
prof. Daniele Baglioni Dottorando Giovanni *Urraci*

Prof. Dr. Paolo Ramat
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Socio corrispondente
'Academia Europaea'
'Societas Linguistica Europaea', Honorary Member
Università di Pavia (retired)
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS Pavia) (retired)

piazzetta Arduino 11 - I 27100 Pavia
##39 0382 27027
347 044 98 44

Il giorno gio 2 mag 2024 alle ore 08:20 Pun Ho Lui via Lingtyp <
lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org> ha scritto:

> Hi Ruth, if I may,
> I am writing the 'typology of language names' in which there is a section
> of 'typology of language markers'.
> The 'language marker' is the item that gives another item the language
> status. E.g. weng 'language' in Mian weng 'Mian language'.
> There are a bunch of semantically related items attested e.g. mouth,
> matter, thought, talk, etc, and i believe they in line with your student's
> interest.
> To my knowledge, I haven't stumbled on any paper dedicated to this matter.
> Warmest,
> Joe
> 在 2024年5月2日週四 下午3:11,Ruth Singer via Lingtyp <
> lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org> 寫道:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know of work that compares the meanings of words for
>> 'language'  E.g. in the Indigenous Australian language Mawng that I do
>> research on, the word *ngaralk *'language' can also mean 'tongue, word'
>> and other things. This is a relatively common pattern I think. A student is
>> interested in reading work on this topic, if there has been any published,
>> along the lines of the work in the special issue below:
>> Volume 26 Issue 2 - Special issue on areal typology of lexico-semantics;
>> Issue Editors: Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Antoinette Schapper and Felix Ameka
>> Issue of Linguistic Typology
>> July 6, 2022
>> https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/lity/26/2/html
>> Cheers,
>> Ruth
>> --
>> Dr Ruth Singer
>> Australian Research Council Future Fellow
>> Research Unit for Indigenous Language
>> School of Languages and Linguistics
>> University of Melbourne
>> https://unimelb.academia.edu/RuthSinger
>> http://www.findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/display/person2621
>>  http://indiglang.arts.unimelb.edu.au/
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